How do i get started to get surgery?
Hi im 24 and weigh 300 lbs which is actually better then when i was in high school anyway i was wondering i am on medicare and medicaid due to complication from being obese and diabetes how do i get approved for a surgery??????i curently have eye problems do to diabetes. I saw my mother die from diabetes she was on dialysis for 3 yrs before passing and i DONT want to go through that i am scared that it is too late thou please help. can this help my diabetes and can i reverse damage if i lose weight now????????
Elizabeth, First , you should talk to your Primary Care Physican, then you should research the surgery, to make sure this is the way you want to go. Research for a Really good doctor that specializes in WLS, and then find a support group near you. Make sure you are comfortable with that surgery. It will depend on your PCP and how long you have tried weight loss and had it documeted. What area are you from? There is a really good Doctor at Boone Hospital in Columbia, Dr James Pitt. He whole staff is wonderful too. Good luck, and if you want to contact me for anymore information that is fine.
By the way I had the surgery 4/06 and I have Medicare, I am disabled due to Osteoarithritis, and diabetes.
Hi Elizabeth. I would first start with my PCP. There are several really good docs in STL. I personally had Norbert Richardson with Richard Follwell assisting. I loved both of them.
I too had type 2 diabetes, uncontrolled. My A1C prior to surgery was 8.8. I just got my 3 month postop result, 6.4 thank you very much. The surgery will help the diabetes. You can't go back and reverse any damage you have, but you can help prevent more. Start now.
Hi Lisa, As the others have said, go to your regular Dr and then call DePaul Health Center and ask when there next information seminar is. I just came up this past week and went to one on Thursday evening. They also have support group meetings. I think those are the 1st and 3rd Wed of each month @ 5:30. The nurse coordinator at Depaul for WLS is named Patsy Beeson and she is a real sweetie and very knowledgable about all that is neccessary to begin the process. They even work with you about all the insurance stuff. GOOD LUCK and may GOD BLESS...Sugar