Getting closer :Dec 12th:
Man,Its getting closer to that due date,even tho i got to be there on the 5th for my week before surgery visit,I hope its not goin to prolong anything,Really dont make no sense,all the doctors i had to see was a waste of time if they have to do it all over again.Sure wonder what will they do and has anyone had there surgery prolonged cause of it,well i sure hope they find nothing wrong,well wish me luck my good people and Godbless.
Hi Vesta,
I had my pre-op testing done Monday. You will see the Anesthesiologist, Nutritionist, Physical therapist, have an EKG, chest X-ray and see the Assessment Nurse who goes over the paperwork with you. I've never heard of anyones having their surgery delayed but I guess it could happen. For one thing the Anesthesiologist could refuse to okay you for surgery. Or if there is something wrong with your EKG or Chest X-ray. But that's true with any surgery. You pretty much sit in one room and all those people come to you except for X-ray. Anyway, I was finised in about 2 hours.
No worries, Mate!!! You'll breeze through it.
The week before visit is a normal thing that everyone of Dr Hornbostels patients go to. It takes about 2 hours or so, you'll see several people, the anethesiologist (sp) she'll explain to you exactly what they are going to do to put you out and so forth, you'll see a dietcien (sp) she'll go over exactly what you have to do after surgery, you'll see a physical therapist and they'll explain to you what you need to do as far as excersise and stuff after surgery and so forth. They'll take some last min blood work, weigh you and all that and then tell you exactly what time to be there and all. It's really not that big of a deal, just time consuming. The people at Bothwell Hospital were so nice to me, I just had my surgery tuesday. I'll be keepin ya in my prayers next week and make room for ya on the losers bench.
Hi Antonio,
I just had my pre-op testing done Monday and what Andrew said was just about right. They started on me at 8:30 and I was walking out of there by 10:30. This testing is not a repeat of what you've already done, it's completely different. It's really not unreasonable to ask you to come in a week before so they can see how committed you are to having this surgery and to making the lifestyle changes you will have to make. After all they have only seen you once when you had your consult with Dr. H. I truly believe that some people go into this thinking it's going to be the easy way out. By doing all these tests and evaluations it will help weed out those people who are not committed to using this tool to change their lives.
Just say, "Get off your soapbox, Huera!". Good luck on Dec. 12th. I should already be on the loser's bench by then.