Hello my Friends:
I haven't been on for several days now, been kinda under the weather. Sorry I haven't had anyone let you know. I think I am fighting off an infection. The Dr. wants to see me in the morning before my appointment. I am sure I will be well. I don't just lie down. Anyway how is everyone? I miss you all. I will make this short but hopefully sweet. Just wanted to let you all know that you are all in my thoughts. And I still am amazed at the uplifting feeling I had when I went into the surgery room it's as if i knew you were each praying. God bless you all.
Your Friend
congratulations Tressia, Sounds like things are going pretty good. How do you feel post op....? My surgery is set for 10 am Friday. I am scared and nervous, and just waiting to be on the other side of it. I know it will all be fine then.
I am hoping to carry a few of those prayers with me on Friday too...