Jan C.
on 10/23/06 5:23 pm - Cedar Creek, MO
Oh my gosh ,first off I want to apologize to everyone. I didn't tell a lie about going to the meeting last night . I had every intention of going until my brother and my daughter showed up yesterday. My brother came down to help us work on the green house and I got to visiting with my daughter. When I next became aware of the time is was after 4 and we were still working. It takes a good hour or hour and half to get up there according to traffic .and we hadn't had a shower or anything and besides I couldn't just say well I have to go somewhere, bye. Again Im really sorry , I was looking forward to it so much. I hope it was a good meeting and was very well turned out. If I had known that they might be coming down I would have told them first that I had something to do but I didn't know and we live so far out of the way that anyone that comes to see me I am not going to tell them to leave lol. Claudette: I am very sorry and I promise that I will be at the next months meeting. I was really looking forward to meeting you and everyone else. Please give us a full report of the meeting. Vesta: I was looking forward to meeting you too. Melissa: Did you get to the meeting last night. I see you had a full day yesterday. Did you get it all done? You always sound so busy. Now that you can drive yourself again you have a lot more to do don't you? You have to go back to Columbia tomorrow don't you? Take it easy if you do. Be careful. Andrew: I thought your wife worked at a nursing home ? I guess I was wrong huh? Don't know why I thought that. Did you get a return call from the Psychologist? I hope you have your appointment , time is getting close. Glad you are feeling better. Don't get sick again now. Lana: Im so glad that you enjoyed yourself at your daughters this week end. It is really nice that you can see her more often now isn't it? I know she is doing well where she is but you know she has to be wanting to get into her own house too. Im sorry girl that I wasn't at the meeting last night . Was looking forward to it. Will be at the next one. Janet Moore: Hey welcome to the board. Glad that you decided to come join us instead of going back to bed. Lol that took a lot of courage. Especially because of the weather. Good exercise routine you did yesterday morning keep up the good work and if that didn't work bend over for the kick that is on its way. Lol Keep moving that is the best advice I can give anyone. Brenda: LOL your husband sounds about like mine. Always cutting up . Love it about him tho don't you. Keeps us laughing. Congratulations on the weight loss. That is really great. 56 pounds that is a small child. Amazing isn't it? How the weight just seems to keep leaving and even if you don't do anything it still leaves. I know what you mean about increasing your distance with your walking to be able to keep at it for 30 minutes. I don't know where I am going to walk to except keep going around and around in a circle, unless I want to walk all the way out to the highway lol. We are sort of socked into where we are . Sherr: Hope you are feeling better from your illness. Get yourself well girl and start kicking butt. I am anxious to see you get smaller and healthier and happier. I bought some sugar free honey not long ago and it is really good. I know it feels like right not that nothing is ever going to taste right again but it will and not too much longer. Most of that is the medicines they give you to put you to sleep for the surgery. It takes awhile to get out of your system. It was just last week really tha****er was decent for me to drink again well. Well Im going to get this posted and say once again I am really sorry everyone for not keeping my promise to come to the meeting. But I really did have an excuse and I wasn't flaking off about it. I really wanted to come but next month I will be there I promise really really do. I wanted to be there and was disappointed that I didn't get to come. Hope you all will forgive me. LOVE AND JOY AND PEACE ABOUNDS JAN
on 10/23/06 9:56 pm - Warsaw, MO
Hello Jan and everyone Hope everyone is doing good. I am doing good. Just been busy and don't have much comp time anymore. Well I hope you all have a great day and take care of yourselves and do as your doctors tell you. May God Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Familes Too. Sky P.S. just a little something to maybe make you smile. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A boss wondered why one of his most valued employees had not phoned in sick one day when he had not come in. Having an urgent problem with one of the main computers, he dialed the employee's home phone number and was greeted with a child's whisper. "Hello?" "Is your daddy home?" he asked. "Yes, "whispered the small voice. "May I talk with him?" The child whispered, "No." Surprised and wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, "Is your Mommy there?" "Yes." "May I talk with her?" Again the small voice whispered, "No." Hoping there was somebody with whom he could leave a message, the boss asked, "Is anybody else there?" "Yes," whispered the child, "a policeman." Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee's home, the boss asked, "May I speak with the policeman?" "No, he's busy," whispered the child. "Busy doing what?" "Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman," came the whispered answer. Growing more worried as he heard a loud noise in the background through the earpiece on the phone, the boss asked, "What is that noise?" "A helicopter," answered the whispering voice. "What is going on there?" demanded the boss, now truly apprehensive. Again, whispering, the child answered, "The search team just landed a helicopter." Alarmed, concerned and a little frustrated the boss asked, "What are they searching for?" Still whispering, the young voice replied with a muffled giggle........."ME."
on 10/23/06 11:06 pm - Joplin, MO
Sky I would smother that kid in hugs and kisses after I found him. Then beat his butt. lol It reminders me of something my Mother told me I did when I was really young (4 or 5) God Bless Melissa
(deactivated member)
on 10/23/06 10:55 pm - MO
on 10/23/06 11:28 pm - Joplin, MO
Good Morning Everyone: What a beatiful morning we have here. No plans today I am going to veggitate at home all day long. Proabley straighten the house and fold some laundry. Found a mouse in my house so it is time to get out the mouse traps so that lil bugger can go. DH is going to his Father's house today to check on him and see what needs to be done for him. Hopefully by now he will have recieved his letter from the DMV to go and take his written test and drivers test all over again. Dont know how he will do so I am just praying and leaveing it in Gods hands. Jan: No, I didnt get to make it to the meeting either. I have been trying to get everything done and arranged for my upcoming surgery. Dog to look after, mail to get, plants to water, F-I-L to look after, bills to pay, ect, ect... Worried about my Mother she stopped her radation treatments yesterday. She did 10 treatments but the Dr recommended 20 treatments. Her throat was so raw that she was choking on a poached egg that was mashed to bits. She goes back to see her Dr on Thursday to see what he recommends. They may try a different type of Chemo on her a MORE AGGRESSIVE TYPE. So I am waiting to see what her Dr. says on Thursday. Please keep her in your prayers. I agree 100% with Craig the power of prayer is an amazing thing!!! Well it is time to wake DH up and get him moving. Time for drink, shot, pills. And to let doggie out for her morning run. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!! P.S. Please keep Janet in your prayers today. She is in Columbia today hoping to get her surgery date for around the 2nd week in November!!!! Pray she gets her date and she has safe travlers mercy home. God Bless Melissa
Blondie **
on 10/24/06 1:36 am - Mean People Suck, MO
Momma Jan & Company, Well, I am setting here trying to drink a cup of Decaf...but's it's GODIVA choclatier's coffee...called Vanilla Hazenut Creme', and does it taste good?? NO...see, something is baaaad wrong w/ my taste buds... This coffee smells just like HOT CARMEL, and the whole house smells yummy, but when it goes in my mouth, like most everything, I want to turn around and spit it out..... Guess I will be skinny..lol...YES! all my hair will have fallen out, I will get a stricture and be dehydrated, but I will be skinny...LOL Momma Jan, I hope my surgery meds wear off soon, this is miserable.... Had to go out in town and run errands, and now I am exhausted, going back to bed now.... Crossing everything Janet C. gets her date today!! WOOT WOOT..... And she finally gets a computer, so she can get back on here..... S
on 10/24/06 1:32 am - MI
Tigers will win!!!! Yeah!!!! Oops,,,, wrong state again. kp
Andy W.
on 10/24/06 12:49 pm - Tulsa, OK
Go Cards!! Oops.....RIGHT State!! LOL
on 10/24/06 8:51 pm - MI
Oh boy did we get it handed to us last night,,,, yowchie. kp
Glenna V.
on 10/24/06 2:52 am - MO
Jan, Well, you were discussed and missed at the meeting last night. Disscussed, because we were wondering what happen to you....Missed because we were looking forward to meeting you. Don't worry about getting my name wrong to start with....like I said, it is a common mistake and I'm used to it.....I was just telling you so you would know what my name really is. Got lots to do around the house today, so better get busy. You have wonderful day. Glenna
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