Sunday Morning Whats Happening:
Ouch, ouch and again ouch. I feel like I have been lifting weight all day yesterday. I guess I did. I wheeled 7 loads of gravel over to the green house to put in on the floor. I moved 2x4s all day from the stack in the carport to the cutting bench and then to the wall we were building. Carried concrete blocks and leveled them for the foundation we build for the back and sides of it. Whew!!!!you talk about tired and sore. Guess you don't have to go to a gym to lift weights and resistance training. Lol
Alan : I was signed up to go to the symposium but had the green house to do some on and took this over driving in for that. I wanted to go and wish I could have I know it would have been good.
Tressia: stay healthy if you can . Seems like everyone gets some sort of illness right before their surgery. But at least you have almost 2 weeks to get over it if you do. Drink lots of water and rest. Take vit c and anything else you can think of lol.
Lucky : so glad to see you back online. Yes when I have been away I want to see what everyone has been doing while Im gone.
I have always worked hard and don't know any other way to do anything. Lol I love working with my hands and doing physical work , that is one of the things I missed so very much when I was fat. Now that I am losing weight I am trying to get strength back that was gone . Am gaining it back little by little.
I envy you and your trip to the northeast and the leaves turning and all. Did you all get caught in any of the snow? Oh yummy Lobster one of my very favorites. And clam chowder. I had some tonight for supper. Plus a salad.
I agree the texture of foods seems so much nicer than before . Seem to enjoy that as much as the food.
There are some foods that I just cant take too much of. And I don't have to get it all the way into my stomach to know it. As soon as it gets in my mouth I know that it is going to be trouble lol
Is your Sheltie doing better now? Sorry she is sick
Lana: yes there isn't a lot of the old route 66 left is there. I think that is such a shame it should have been preserved or at least some of it.
Im sure all the animals from the exotic animals paradise received good homes so don't worry about them. They will be ok Im sure.
Sounds like your Christmas is lining up to be a good one this year.
Sherr: Sounds like your dude is a pretty nice guy so far. Never know so take it slow.
You don't take your own finger sticks for your blood sugar? don't you need to do that daily?
Call your regular doctor . If it isn't your blood sugar then call your surgeon and see what they say. I wasn't totally sick but would feel yucky when it came to eating things and still do at times. Water is finally at 2 months out beginning to taste ok again to me. I don't know why there is this nasty taste to foods in the first little bit but hopefully it will get better for you. I stuck with a lot of Popsicles and broth or what ever did taste good . Other food like pizza didn't even smell good to me.
It took me a good month before I felt like riding anywhere .So no your now abnormal to not want to go anywhere today I don't thin****pt wondering where is all this energy that everyone is talking about but you are still recuperating so let your self rest . He does know you just had major surgery doesn't he? Hang in there it will get better ,I promise.
Barbara : where are you . Miss you.
Linda: how is the job going? We miss you since you are so busy.
Brenda: take care of yourself. And if you are having a lot of trouble with foods , what I do when I have a day like that is just go back to really soft foods. Like week two. Of creamed soups and such. I can always eat those easily.
Andrew: you about to get things settled some.
Craig: are you feeling better now that you founds what was really wrong with your eyes.
Are the new glasses helping you any can you tell yet?
Well we are taking most of the day off today after we finish up a small part of the foundation for one side but then we are not going to keep working tomorrow and will finish up all the framing Monday. I ordered the polycarbonate today and they said it would be delivered by Wed. we will see . That seems awfully quick.
Good Morning Jan & All: It's always pleasant to see your bright comments on here Jan. Sounds like you need a good massage to loosen up some muscles after all that work. Nice massage, long hot bubbly bath.......... mmmmmm sounds good huh? Well don't work too awfully hard these next few days. But do enjoy.
I feel quite a bit better today just feels like a good old cold trying to set in now. You know the coughing and itchy throat, so I started on my cough pills yesterday evening, being I can't take over the counter cough syrups. Algeries, gotta love em!
Just dropped in to say good morning to all my Mo buddies and as always it wonderful to read your great upbeat commentaries.
Love to all
Your friend
I am excited about your greenhouse. Try to rest some. You are such a worker you make me feel lazy!!! I did put some summer clothes in the attic and hope I will just get them down to give away by next summer!!! Such a great thought. I also went through a jewelry drawer that I had just dumped stuff into and sorted it out and organized it. We always watch lots of football on Sunday afternoon but the Chiefs are losing so it's not so much fun today. It's been so dreary, I love it, so I'm making some soup and going to sent John to the store tomorrow and make chili sometime this week. Love chili.
Hugs and love to you all.