Hi Patricia,
Sounds like whats happened is you've accidently put a check on one of your settings for the Q & A forum. If thats checked you'll get the posts everytime someone posts a question. At the top right click on "My Account" then click on "Contact Preferences" in there make sure there is a check mark in "Never" at the bottom under Q & A Postings.
Hope that helps ya!
Hello everyone,
As you can see it is late but today was a busy day. Worked 4 hours and then went to doctors visit for DH. He has been feeling so weak, so just thought I would tag along and see what doctor said. He wants him to go to Physical Therapy to get some strength back. Went to get handicapped sticker and then went to eat some supper. Then I stopped at Walgreens to get vitamins, got our dog some food, and went to Walmart. Hubby sat in the car while I went to WalMart. So it was a busy day.
Glad to see Sherr is doing so great. Will keep you in my prayers that you continue to do well.
Have a dear friend whose 67 year old father died suddenly on Friday - so I went to visitation yesterday and made food to take to the house. It has been a very busy week.
I am enjoying the nice warm weather again also. Well, I will try and get on earlier tomorrow. Colette
Hello everyone
Sorry I haven't been posting much as of lately. Jan you are so right about being busy after the surgery. And yep a lot of the things it seems like I am busy with just didn't get done much before, or my DD's used to do a lot of it and since I am able I am doing more and they seem to be doing less. LOL
Well anyway I hope and pray that you are all doing well. And Sherr congratulations on making it to the other side.
May God Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.