Well we are going this morning to buy all the lumber for my greenhouse. I am really excited .It will be 10x14 and I know that isn't huge but I have never had a real greenhouse before. It will have electric and water both inside it. I will have lights and heaters for cold weather. It will have fans and windows to open when it is too warm. All of the neat stuff.
I have probably about 30 pots of flowers that I will have to winter over in the greenhouse but I want to start several flats of annuals in there too so I don't have to buy all of them this year.
Another beautiful day in the Ozarks , that is what they are saying. I just wonder if it is fall or will we have some more hot days? What do you all think? I guess only God knows that. Wonder if we will have a cold winter this year. Last year was so moderate and dry. Hopefully this year has more rain, but so far it doesn't look too promising.
Nana K: hope your diet goes well. Actually what you are talking about is what we will be on most of our life from now on. Not to say you wont ever be able to eat some of that stuff but some is the operative word. Very little.
We are looking forward to getting to know you better and if you have any questions maybe someone here can answer them.
Sky: the tiny baby deer sound so very cute. I have seen twins before but I don't think I ever saw triplets . I bet they were adorable.
I am like you and thank God daily for what he is doing for all of us. That he gave the surgeons the ability to do this surgery for so many of us. It is one of his miracles I do believe. Keep up the good work and the walking you are getting so much more healthy than you were before.
Lana: you sound just like one of my daughters. She is so soft hearted about animals. I love them too and think of them as God creatures but also know that he put them here for mans benefit.
I know it seems cruel but actually it isn't.
Lol I had to laugh at your husband thinking Nixa was country. Lol as much as it is growing you can barely tell where Springfield ends and Nixa begins anymore.
Debbie : thanks for the encouragement about the weight loss. It really feels good. I hope my scales aren't off too much from the Doctors.
About the elephant ears. You live north of Sedalia don't you? I am thinking I am going to try it this year. I counted them yesterday I have 22 elephant ears and 30 cannas to either dig or cover. I think I am going to dig up some of them and cover the rest and if they make it thru I will never again dig them. It will take a lot of straw but will be so worth the effort and the straw when it is pulled back will help stop the growth of grass in and around the flower beds. Next year when you want to try your luck at flowers again let me know and I can probably give you lots of seeds to sow.
What a cute story about the baby deer and the ditch. Lol
Melissa: well there you are girl. I sure do miss you on here when you don't show up . How did your drs appointment go Monday. Did he take you off any of your meds? Yes I think everyone when they are losing get cold easier. I know I do and yes I have been looking for long pants. I have dug out several pairs of sweats that are really too big on me but I intend to wear them for a while longer. I can tighten up the string in them and make them fit lol. My neighbor lady today told me I looked like I had someone else's clothes on lol
That is amazing that you have lost so much weight. Yeah I will try calling you again Friday if possible. Today I will be gone most of the day .you need to put a different picture up for the message board I think. We wont be able to recognize you if you don't.
Rachael: so sorry about your moms insurance and happy about your sisters surgery. Sounds like the whole family is going to be in on this together.
How is the baby doing? Cant believe she is that old already.
Barbara: isn't that fantastic about the insulin and your diabetes? Congratulations on the weight loss that is really good. Lol I would have loved to see you do your little dance in the hallway. Lol. I bet it was cute.
Sounds like a good plan to find a senior center to go exercise in. or maybe start an exercise class in the church basement. I know what Lana is talking about all those tiny little girls in spandex in the gyms exercising , just made to make the fatties to feel even worse than we do.
Andrew:Oh man I know what you mean about moving. I don't think we will ever move again. It seems like it is always a nightmare. But I think we have found our little slice of heaven here on earth and will be here forever now. You will enjoy the new place a lot better im sure with out all the highway noisy.
Hey I guess for Thanksgiving day you can have turkey broth for dinner huh? Small price to pay for the surgery being done. I would eat broth daily for a long time to have this done again and again.
We have so many new people and some returning older ones too but I want to make a special welcome to all of you. Glad you are here . Jump in and join us and give us a rundown of your life or day to day doing. It is fun and we all get to know each other better.
Maybe in the spring we can all get to gether somewhere and have a picnic. This is something we talked about before but it never got off the ground. But maybe by spring all of us will be ready to try it again.
Enjoy this beautiful weather.
Turn off the a/c and listen to the crickets and frogs if you live in the country like I do it is the best sound in the world.
Good Morning Everyone
Wow what a beautiful foggy morning it is today. I love this cool weather it suites me just fine. A lot better walking than in the heat. Well I could barely make out the deer this morning, as it was so foggy. I like getting my walk in early, but I am beginning to wonder if I am not going to have to wait till a little later in the day, as it isn't getting light as early.
Well I bet it was me you saw at Dr. H's office as I do have pretty long hair, about half way down my behind. LOL My appointment was at 1:15 also. I wish you would have yelled at me. If it was after I saw the Dr. I was walking on a cloud and wasn't seeing much just the thought that I don't have to have any more surgeries for a while. LOL
Anyway when I got out to my truck and started it up the clock in there said 1:15 so I was in and out pretty quick but yet Dr. H sat and talked to me and answered all of my questions. So I was in a really good mood.
I love seeing all the new people posting on the board but where did all the others go? I sure do miss them too. Hey all you post ops, Jan is right we need to keep posting even if to say hi and see if we can maybe help some of the pre ops or newer post ops.
And on that note I won't be here until Monday at least. We are going out of town for the weekend and leaving really early tomorrow morning, as my DH says at dark thirty. LOL
I think that means somewhere around 3am. LOL So I get to spend the rest of the day getting things packed and ready. I am doing laundry now. So you all take care of yourselves and have a wonderful weekend.
May God Keep and Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.
Love ya all
Hi everybody -- yes, I have been one of the absentees for a bit! I got back to my home in Kansas City this past Friday after staying close to Dr. Scott's office for a while immediately following my surgery. This week I have been working from home, but yesterday felt really crummy (actually the first time I'd felt bad since surgery on 8/28) and so quit working for awhile and laid down, promptly falling asleep for a couple of hours. Took another 2 hour nap later in the day and then slept all night. Last night I figured out that my problem was that I was constipated.... Although better this morning, I was thinking about getting some flaxseed or benefiber to add to my diet, especially at this stage -- while I can have oatmeal, not really much else in the way of grains and no real fruit yet. Has anyone else done the added fiber?
So much for my bodily functions! Except for the blip yesterday, I continue to feel great. I think I am not going to weigh myself again until my one month appointment with Dr. Scott at the end of the month. I'd like to try to focus more on how I feel rather than what the scales say (sounds good but will see if I can really resist!).
One big help that I've found for my on the protein front is the New Whey Liquid Protein. Now that I'm looking at the screen, they look the same as the Profect advertised on here -- probably very similar. At any rate, 25 grams of protein in 2.9 ounces of liquid -- the ones I tried had 2 flavors -- blue raspberry and some kind of red berry. They tasted pretty much like unset jello to me, and I absolutely love getting all that protein in so little to drink.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day -- it looks to beautiful here. Take Care!
I'm actually glad you brought up your bodily functions as I've been wondering about that. I eat a lot of fiber now to stay regular but if I don't eat it I tend to get constipated. What did your doctor tell you about that? Can you take something? Since you aren't eating much is your out-put diminished accordingly? So many questions, we all have so many questions. But really, we are breaking new ground here.
Good Morning Everyone:
How is everyone this morning?? I am feeling pretty good. My back in a little stiff and sore. But I think it is because I slept in and laid too long. I will just have to work it out thats all there is too it. So what is the plans for today?
Jan: It sounds like your gonna be busy today. No, my Dr. didnt take me off any meds yet. I am down 1 shot tho. Come to find out it was my good Cholesterol that was low. But everything else was normal. I go back to see him in 2 months for blood work.
Sky: I really enjoied the friendship email that you sent. I had to foward it on to other ladies.
Lana: Bless your heart for being so soft hearted!!!
Sherr: I got your message yesterday. I will get those off in the mail today.
Andrew: Howdy. Sounds like your doing so well with loseing the weight that Dr. H wants you to lose. Keep up the GREAT WORK!!!!!!
Craig: Hey buddy. How did your trip to Columbia go today??
Wayne: I hear your keeping busy. So sorry I wasnt able to come to the meeting this month.
Brenda: Come out come out where ever you are.
Barbara: Your more then welcome for the jokes. I have always loved to make people laugh.
Rachael: I BELIEVE!!!!!
CJ: Well tommorow is your big day. Do you have anyone that will keep us posted on your surgery???
Well I am off (yes in the head) but I also need to get some thing done. I hope you all have a wonderful day!!!
God Bless
Thank you Jan....I just don't want you guys getting disappointed! You have been through so much and like I told Craig...God didn't bring you guys this far to give up on you now so don't give up on Him!
When I get started back in my garden I would love to share seeds with you! It may not be next year tho.....may be a little longer! Remember, I may have to have some more back surgery after the wls. As soon as I can tho, I will be gardening again, trust me!
Andrew... glad that you are hanging in there with your diet. I know that has to be hard to do and I think very highly of you and those like you that have to lose some weight before your wls! I probably would of sat down and cried if they would of told me that. They are right though, the Dr's, they better shape we are in, the better our surgeries will go. We have to help them in every way we can! They aren't the ones that helped get us were we are, they are the ones that are trying to help us get back were we need to be!
I think I'm getting a little anxious about "the call" now....every time that phone rings I all but jump out of my skin and almost break my neck trying to get to it...thinking "this could be the one!" Thank God my kids don't live here anymore...that phone would always be ringing off the hook!
Sky...have fun on your trip! It has been awhile since me and the hubby have gotten away. I hoping that we will be getting to do a "getaway" soon! I really need a break from this house before winter hits. I bet you have very pretty hair. Mine use to be long but it is so thick I couldn't keep up with it....broke my hubby's heart but had to cut it and it is short now but sooo much easier to care for and a lot cooler!
Lucky...glad your back and doing so well! I wish I could find a "real" job that I could do out of my house. I have looked for years, unsuccessfully! Only scams and adult stuff that I couldn't/wouldn't do! I have prayed about it and trust that God will put me where He wants me, in time!
Melissa...glad your back and congrats on the weight loss! I hope and pray that after surgery I will no longer have to take any meds. I know I will still have to on some but please let me be able to get rid of some!!! Keep sending the jokes, I lol so hard on that last one I almost hurt myself!
Well, I'm done for awhile...God's Love To All...Deb
Hey Jan and Everyone
Good morning all, it is such a beautiful day out there right now, yesterday we spent most of the day running errands and paying bills and I was walking out of Wal-mart and realized that I wasn't breathing hard and that I was walking okay, these WOW moments creep upon you don't they?
I'm actually talking about moving to a Senior citizens community to live in, I love my house but the teenagers (little s) around are so disrespectful now a days. When I was coming/raised up I was told to respect my elders now these kids will curse you out in a minute and think nothing of it. But I haven't found what I'm looking for in a place yet so I'm here until I find a new place, hopefully soon. Don't want to move in the winter though.
Jan: It was just a little
Melissa: Girl every time I think of the Purina Diet I crack completely up again
I love to make people laugh too and use to be the class clown, but I've let too much change that, maybe I'll get that back (you think)? But you keep it up it makes for good medicine
Well I guess I had better get a move on today and get something done, I don't plan on being as busy as we were yesterday.
To everyone have a great and blessed day inthe Lord!
Barb T. in KC
Hi everyone,
Its beautiful here in Diamond, MO today. Reading about the deer, crickets and frogs, I must say that I have had the pleasure of enjoying all of these right here on my 28 acres. We actually have 3 areas wooded and field, planted for the deer and IF no one poaches, and they stay put, they will live a long life here. We took a pretty large snake out of our pool area yesterday...seems he was nesting in the corner, eating field mice and he was pretty plump. Snakes SCARE me....and so I had dreams all night of every situation-ending with a snake being wrapped around my hubbys arm, like that one did last night.
I am starting my liquid diet on Sat, to get a jump start on my weight loss and pre-surgery required 2 week diet. Although it will probably be more like a month, I can also help my best bud, Sherr, with her liquid diet as well. I have lost 15# so far and I am hoping to take off another 20 before I go back on the 3rd. Wish me luck with that. I wont be able to do the diet on 21st because I am spending the day at Freeman Hospital having all my tests done and wont be able to get 5 protein shakes in from 2 pm until I go to bed, so that will be my one free day.
I think Jan has a wonderful idea and maybe we should all get together somewhere nuetral and have a annual picnic where we can all sit and talk and just enjoy one anothers company. That would be really neat. Maybe even a weekend trip to Branson or something like that with our spouses....I think it would be nice. I have often thought that we need some kind of support group in the Joplin area for those of us who have to travel a long time to get anywhere, maybe that will come about with some research and work on my part. If anyone thinks this sounds good, let me know. I am not on the losing side yet, but I am hoping to in a couple of weeks. WOO HOO.
I hope everyone has a good day and thanks for all you do for all of us every day!! All of the words of encouragement and outpouring of love and concern, mean more than you all know. I love you all and pray for you too!! Jan