Monday morning and another week begins. My friend went home yesterday morning and then about noon we went to my youngest granddaughters 8th birthday party. Cant believe she is that old. Wow.
I was hungry when I got home and ate too fast or too big of a bite or something and had to throw it all back up and when I did there was bright red blood in it. I have an email into them this morning to see what they say. Im not in any pain or anything so I don't know what it was or if it is serious or not.
I went to bed around 8:30 last night and just woke up so I must have really been tired. Lol
Sky: good to see you on the board. Wish you would post daily I miss you when you don't.
The fish recipe sounds good. I did some chicken like that only use parmesame cheese on it for a coating just as a test before surgery and it was delicious, it was too dry for us to eat now but it was really good.
We just miss seeing your pretty face when you don't post. Tell us about your walks and the animals you see I like that. I walked the whole length of the sand bar Saturday which is over a mile long.
I was so proud of me. Then I walked it back later.
Barbara Scott: welcome wish you would drop in more often than you do. Thanks for the complement on the posts.
Andrew: Sure hope your father in law is doing better. Will continue to keep him in our prayers. What is your fil age? I know that has to be a worry to your wife.
You sound like you stay pretty busy . Keep up the good work on the diet and exercise.
Melissa: How are you feeling girl. That is absolutely amazing about your walking . All that exercising in the pool and the amount of weight you have lost is so feeing isn't it. I hope your hernia stays calm enough until you can get the surgery done so it doesn't interfere in your exercise and walking.
Yeah I was wondering where Linda was too. Seems like a lot of people when they get this surgery sort of vanish in the woodwork. don't know why they have a lot they can tell the new post ops and pre ops. Even little things that may not seem that important but are when you are trying to find out everything you can . Remember?
Barbara: so glad that you got to go to church yesterday. That is wonderful. Im glad that your medicines have decreased too.
I wish you had a nice place to walk so you would feel comfortable in doing so. I know how bad some of our city streets are nowdays. I have never liked cities but I know I wouldn't like them now. Im too much of a farm girl. Like the outdoors too much. Come down and walk with me on the sand bar it is beside the lake and is nice and quite and the only sounds is once in awhile a boat goes by. Lol
Well today is 9-11 . I can remember that morning so very well I couldn't believe something like that was happening. I cried all day long that day. And now it has been 5 years that is a long time ago and it still brings back all those feelings of helplessness and hopelessness .
Pray for our nation today and everyday. It is in pretty bad shape I think. There are a lot of things that should be different and I know the Lord wouldn't approve of a lot of stuff that goes on but the Christian people need to pray , stay on their knees until things turn around,
Good Morning Jan and Everyone
Jan it's so funny you asked about the animals this morning. First off I came across another possum, we just kind of eyed each other as we passed. He/she was all wet from the rain and just looked really bad. LOL Then about a mile down the road (or should I say up and down cause of all the hills here) I was watching the deer cross the road and was counting them not paying any attention to what was around me when a small flock of dove flew up and almost into me. Talk about a fat person jumping I almost jumped out of my skin. LOL Anyway there were 6 deer and they were so pretty, they just looked at me as I was walking towards them and then they went on across the street and into the woods.
I hope everyone has a wonderful day today. I go see Dr. H tomorrow and I am hoping for good news. Like we can wait for more surgeries till after the 1st of the year. LOL
Well guess we will just have to see what he says tomorrow afternoon.
May God Keep and Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.
Love ya all
Good Morning All...don't have much to say today but wanted to stop by and let you all know I'm still alive and kicking.
Still down in the back which makes the whole body hurt. I have been staying in bed most of the time. I have some flu like symptoms...srcatchy throat, lungs feel weird, achy muscles and fever tho! I'm also having pain in one of my kidneys too. That has been off and on for some time now.
I need to go lay back down, just wanted you all to know I'm still here!! Love & Prayers to all Deb M.
So many of my peoples are not feeling well...
I have just returned from the #2 sleep study, and it is rainy here in Columbia. I have 3 appointments today, and am wearing my commemorative 9/11 pin.
Watching fox news coverage of the Anniversary, and like Jan, I am still just sick over the whole day, even 5 years later......
Talked with Lucky last night, she is a HOOT....
Lucks, if you read this...THANK YOU!!!
Going to go get a cup of coffee......I NEED it
Good Morning All,
Jan thanks for keeping my FIL in your prayers, he is 74 yrs old. I know thats still kind of young to be in a home but with the problems he has he cant walk anymore and is confined to his electric wheel chair and Im not sure how long they will let him stay in that cuz he thinks he's a nascar driver in that thing LoL. He's doing fine really, there is no lasting effects of the stroke, its like nothing ever happened except his heart rate is still staying in the high 50's. They've changed some of his meds and are hoping it comes back up, otherwise he's an onery as ever LoL. We go to see him at least once a week and have lunch with him, he just loves it and always brags on my wife to all the nurses lol.
Yeah I try to stay busy, Im not all that busy really tho, being on disability sometimes just really bites, I can't wait to get this weight coming off so i can go to school and get off disability, it'll be such a blessing. Some days I cant believe I let my weight get so out of control that it stopped me from working but it did and now Im doing my best to get this stuff off. I am fitting behind the wheel of my car better. My stomach used to be pretty tight up against the stering wheel that it was hard to turn it but now its barely touching
We're also starting to get ready to move. Right now we live in an apartment and theres just not the room to let our lil dogs run when they want. We found this Mobile home still in the city limits of Pilot Knob but sorta out in the country. This real sweet husband and wife have 3 mobile homes on a couple acres of land and are remodeling them. The one we are gonna take is a 2 bedroom 1 1/2 bath, its just a bit smaller then our apartment but worth it being out in the quietness of the woods. She also has a large section plotted out for a garden and will let us plant veggies and stuff, woohoo I love doing that.
Well anyway, i've rattled on long enuff. I hope everyone has a good monday. Thanks to everyone for praying for my fil.
God Bless America!!
P.S. Shouldnt Colette be getting back soon? Sheesh seems she's been gone forever.
Good Morning Everyone:
Did someone get the licenses plate number of the truck that ran over me???? I woke up this morning and WOW I am sore from head to toes. lol I was painting yesterday my lighthouse that I am going to put around my pond. And then walking I can feel it in my thighs and calf muscles. Big difference from being in the pool.
So how did everyones weekend go??? Mine was pretty laid back and calm. Went garage saleing on Saturday walked all over Joplin I think. lol Sunday cleaned house, put fishy in the fish tank we bought, painted lighthouse, walked. Just a real quite weekend!!!
I got my bloodwork back from Dr. Scott's office that I had done for my 3 month check up. Everything came back normal except 1 and that was my LDL it was low. I am hopeing that may mean that my PCP will pull me off my lipitor?? Dont know but it is good thst everything was okay.
Well I need to get off of here and get myself ready for my Dr.'s appt. I hope you all have a great day. And when you have time say a prayer for all the families of the people of 9-11.
God Bless You ALL