I am scared and could really use some words of encouragment.
I have a date of November 2nd with Dr. Hornbostel I have faith that he will get me through this surgery but I am so scared that I am going to fail or that I am going to be making a mistake that I cant change. i am so unhappy with my life right now and I know this is what is best for me and I want to have the surgery I am just scared that I will have complications or that I will battle my emotional eating and not win. I have posted on the mail board but they are kind of mean sometimes and I really don't need mean words right now I need someone to be there for me right now. I hope I am not asking to much.
Hey Kelli
CONGRATS first of all on your surgery date and I just want you to know that you have a class act Doctor (Dr. H. is 10+) who is going to do your surgery. Being a little concerned (instead of scared) is normal (everyone may not agree) but I think all of us have sat down and thought "What if I can't" and find that this is not hard at all, sure you may not be able to eat everything you once could, but the benefits of this surgery are so outstanding. Before WLS I was a walking pharmacy all by myself, couln't hardly walk, steps were completely out of the question, was depressed a lot because of the things I couldn't do for myself, etc.. Now I am down to a fraction of the medicines I was taking and realize that as more weight comes off the less meds I will take. This was an excellent decision for me and I'm praying that as it gets closer to you WLS day that you will feel more comfortable with your decision. Will be keeping you in my prayers. God bless and keep you
There are no MEANIES on this board!!!
Barb T. in KC
welcome Kelli. I am like Barbara I dont think there is a mean sole at all on this board.
The surgery is the best thing you could ever do for yourself and I agree that Dr. H. is a 10+ surgeon. There are stumbling blocks yes but they are easy to get around. So hang in there and post as often as you want to we are here for you. Jan
First let me say that you will not find more caring ,understanding or supportive people anywhere than on this board.Everyone experiences some fear. You about to undergo a major life change it's natural to have anxiety. Just start reading profiles and looking at before and after pictures-it will calm you. You can also ask for support on this board ANYTIME. The people here are amazing.
You can be excited that on November 2 you will be embarking on a journey that will change your life forever..You will be doing something for YOU. You can be proud that you are taking action to make yourself healthier and happier.
Remember we are here to support you and offer KIND words.
Good luck and you are in my prayers,
Congratulations on the WLS date. It's understandable to be a little nervous. After all like what the others said you are getting ready to go through a major life changing operation.
Have you tried giving your fears to God? He is go great and he will help you through whatever it is you need help with. I will keep you in my prayers and you do have a great Dr. there. I have to agree he is a 10+.
Keep posting on the board and keep us all updated on how you're doing.
Take care, and may God Bless and Keep you in his loving embrace.
Hello Kelli,
Again Congrats on your surgery date, my surgery date with Dr. H is Nov. 14. Like the others have said its normal to be scared somewhat and all but I know if you follow the instructions that Dr. H gave us and read up in the white notebook he gave us and do all that it says I know with Gods help the complications will not be there. Im finding as I talk to different people that have had the WLS that their complications were mostly do to not following instructions. I cant stress enough to give it over to the Lord and follow instructions, everything will be good. Also I have really found that keeping in touch with the people of this board, posting and reading, the support here is like none other board around. When I find myself down I know I can always come here and be lifted up. We're all like one big family spread across the state so Please please stay in touch and post, you wont regret that at all.
God Bless Ya,
Kelli, Take each moment at a time....You got a surgery date, that is a big plus...Sometimes it takes people several years to be able to get a surgery date, or to find a doctor....Dr. Hornbostel is an outstanding surgeon...I have placed my life in his hands twice now in a month and a half with RNY and gall bladder surgery...each time I was a bit nervous but Not scared...I trusted him fully...Jesus, is a special friend to Dr. Hornbostel and helps him in each surgery....Dont listen to the negative things people say to you..this is your life, you have to live it the way you want...You're the one who has to get up each morning to look in the mirror, or to live with the pain and suffering that being obesity does to you, others dont. Make your life better any way you can...I believe God gave this surgery to Doctors all over the country to help him answer prayers of his children crying out for relief...I must tell you Kelli... You will feel so much better. Not only that, you will experience changes in your body that leaves you excited that you had it done....you can go back to being Kelli again the way it should be...Before my surgery, I had people coming to me telling me negative things...at first I listened to them... But I prayed forgive them Lord they know now what they say..you know what? They didnt either....they know nothing about this surgery at all. you can tell by the way they talk..NOTHING what they say is what they tell you in the seminars...So Kelli listen to your heart and what God has planned for you.....You can come here on the board anytime....I also experienced rudeness when I first started coming here....I was told by others who did care to get back on and dont pay attention to the bitterness....you dont have to listen or see them just click them out....everyone here on the board are God fearing christain people....they know what prayers can do .. Ive seen it as time goes on when we all got our surgery how God worked his wonders to help us all....For that everyone here has more faith now probably than ever before.. i know mine is....Kelli may God be with you...keep you safe and find you comfort in his love.....God Bless ..................Craig Lee
1. You never have to worry that someone will be mean to you on this board. These are the most wonderful people in the world.
2. It seems to me as if you'd be abnormal if you didn't have some concerns. This is a life changing surgery but it is a positive change. You will be a new person after you lose the excess weight and your life will certainly not be the same but the change will be for the good. You won't have to worry about sitting in movie seats or restaurant booths or airplane seats. Everything will be possible for you and you are a young woman with a full life ahead.
People do have complications sometimes but the people I talk to say they'd have the surgery every month if that's what it took to make this wonderful change in their lives. You won't fail but you will have to follow the rules and learn new ways to cope with your emotions. However, you can do it and you'll be so glad you did.
Hugs and prayers,