Sunday Morning Whats Happening:
Sunday again. This weather is really nice isn't it? Alto I did have to turn my A/C back on yesterday during the day. It got up to 88 yesterday afternoon and was pretty warm.
My friend and I have talked and talked and talked. She is waiting to have wls. Should happen in Oct. for her.
We had a lot of fun sitting in the sand down on the sand bar and digging in it to try and find arrowheads. We found a lot of pieces and a couple of the small ones that were formed really well on one side and the other side being broken , like it messed up when making it or something.
I fried catfish for everyone yesterday ,was hard to pass that up , since I love catfish. But I did .
I hope one day I can eat that again.
Marilyn: yeah I know , don't know where everyone is? Guess like me were out having fun yesterday. Am anxious to meet you on Monday night.
It hasn't bothered me too much when people start in with negative things about wls before my surgery. I guess most people know that Im strong minded enough to not let what they say affect me in the least.
Well guess this will be a short one today since noone is here. I hope everyone is just busy and not getting tired of me doing this every day. I sure do enjoy doing it . Love you all.
Good morning Jan and Everyone else
Jan on the fish try this. Roll it in your flour (I use just a little corn bread mix with that not to much) then put it on a cookie sheet and give it just a little spray with some non-fat cooking spray. Then try baking it at like 350 till it turns a golden brown. It may not be a good as fried but to me it is, and a lot better for you. And it's not got that bland baked taste either. LOL Shoot even my oldest DD said she likes it better that way as it's not as greasy. But my DH and youngest DD think it has to be fried still. LOL
Sorry I haven't been posting. Just not much going on around here, but I have been reading. I miss my comp. I am using my DH's comp. Mine went down a couple months ago and we don't have the money for a new one right now. It has been to the shop to many times and the last time it made funny noises right when I got it home from getting fixed and it worked for about two months then went down again, so I'm not even going to try and get it fixed again.
Craig I'm sorry you got the blues. I understand it though as I have been hurting again with this weather and it sure doesn't make me very happy, if you know what I mean.
I hope every one else is doing well.
Well you all take care of yourselves and try and be good. LOL
May God Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.
Love ya all
Good Sunday Morning All,
Sorry I havnt been around this weekend. Friday afternoon I took my wife over to work then came home, I wasnt home all that long and the nursing home called where her dad stays and they said he was sick and experiencing some slight chest pains, they said his doctor told them to take him to the E.R. The hospital is connected to the nursing home, which is kind of nice. I told them on the phone to PLEASE keep me informed that if need be I could be down there in 20 mins. They called back within 30mins and said when they got him to the E.R. that his heart rate was down to 40 and his oxygen level was 50, I quick went and picked up my wife and we zooomed on down there. When we got there he was really pale and sick looking but it seemed as soon as he saw my wife he was better. His heart rate went up to 59. They did tests, blood, xrays etc and really couldnt find anything. They also did a catscan. They were fixin to move him back to the nursing home so we were gonna head home but then he started getting sick again and his heart rate went back down. Finally the results of the catscan came back and they discovered he had a lil stroke. He's had those before so they compared the catscan to a past one and found a new area. So needless to say I been been busy up there all weekend. He seems to be doing fine now, the doctor said there should be no lasting effects from the stroke, thank the Lord, just keep him in your prayers if ya would.
Jan thats great you've had some off time with friends, sure means alot to have a friend thats going through the weight stuff your going through dont it? The fish sounds soooooooo good. I love fried catfish and fries too. Surely one day we can eat that again maybe cooked like Sky said, that sounds really good and better for us.
Craig I sorry ya was feeling down, I guess that happens to us all at times but dont ever forget ya got friends that care about ya and a God that is sooooooooo good. Im so glad to see your recovering from the second surgery, I'm sure praying for ya that ya get better quick!!!
Well it looks like most everyone is having a busy weekend. Jan your crazy if ya think everyone is getting tired of your posts ya silly gurl LoL We're just gonna have to send out the Missouri board possi lol
Hope everyone has a good sunday. "This is the day that the Lord hath made, we will rejoice and be glad in it"
God Bless
Good Morning Everyone:
Yea it rained here last night. And saying a prayer that it is suppose to rain some more this evening. It looks like I might have to take my umbrella when I walk tonight. lol Well I guess it official. It is time for me to take down my pool. Yes I am like JAN and dragging my feet. Cause I enjoyed it so much going out to exercise in it. But DH thinks it isnt going to be warm enough to jump back into it with out caughting a cold cause the water is soooo cold. So we started to walk. Now mind you I havent walked 1/2 block in over 2yrs due to my weight and being on O2. And I knew I needed to start walking but I was scared and remembering how easly I lost my breath in the past. Well we started out and we actually walked 6 city blocks. And talked and held hands the whole way. I wasnt really out of breath. It took us 20 to 25 minutes to walk it. And I was so proud of myself. I know by looking at myself I have lost some weight but in my head I am still the FAT girl and sometimes that fear of the unknown gets the best of me. Anyways I cant live in fear cause fear is not of GOD!!! So tonight will be my 3rd night walking. Then at the 1st of Oct I am going to sign up at a local fitness place and DH said he would go with me every other day to the pool to work out and walk with me every night. After a week were going to increase the distance were walking. I forgotten how nice it was to walk in the cool part of the evening.
It looks like everyone was out enjoying the weekend.
Jan: We were running to al the garage sales yesterday and I came home shut all my windows and turned on my air also. lol I was hot!!
Andrew: How is your family doing now?? We will just add him to our prayer list.
Rachael: You & your mother are both in our prayers!!!! I Believe
Sherr: I hope you have a good trip to Columbia. Remember BEHAVE yourself at the sleep place.
Brenda: I hope you have a wonderful day today.
Lana: Did you make it home yet???
Linda: Is she gone also on vacation or what??
Barbara: How are you doing??
Craig: Your in my thoughts and prayers. Praise God it is out and you will be back on the road to mending in no time!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful day. We all know what tommorow is 9/11. I am adding a link that someone sent to me. Of course I bawled thro the whole thing. I know some people get so tired of hearing about 9/11 and wondering if we are ever going to let them rest in peace and put it behind us and go on with life. But that would be like putting Jesus death behind us and going on with life. (To my way of thinking) I want to remember so I can honor their memorie. And do what I can to show my support to our men and women that are fighting for our freedom. I pray god blesses you all and keep you and your family safe. Please say a prayer for the men and women fight in the war and for the familys of people that lost their lives on 9/11.
God Bless
I Remember
The 5th anniversary of 9-11 is upon us.
This is one of the best video's I've seen as of yet. But still heart crushing, even after all this time.
Hi Jan and Everyone!
I'm fine, Just taking a little rest we've been cleaning out our office and throwing away things I hope I won't eventually need (I'm a pack rat) so it was rough trying to select what goes and what should I still keep
I did get out to church today and it was wonderful it really lifted my spirit, it threw me off my protein schedule though so now I'm playing catch up with that so I can get it in before 11:00 PM tonight (ugh!),
Melissa: I'm doing fine, wore an outfit that I thought I would never wear again, I'm glad that I didn't give away all my small clothes like I started too or else I woudn't have anything to wear
Craig: Sorry to hear about you having the blues, but this too shall pass, and besides God knows and is there with you
I am doing just a teeny weeny bit of walking trying to work my way up to walking the block, I live in a nice neighborhood but here lately things are just so unsafe, my neighbor across the street from me moved because a guy got into her house someway while she was asleep and another neighbor happened to see him walking around in her livingroom and called the police thank God she was all right though but said she no longer feels comfortable in her house at night, she's been on this block 34 years can you imagine that, so I'm careful, but I will find somewhere to walk just trying my wings out with it for right now. Well I guess its time to shut up
You all have a great and blessed night!
Barb T. in KC