This week is really going fast isn't it? Guess that happens when there are only 4 days instead of 5 lol
Well yesterday was weight and measuring day . I am so tickled and happy about the progress I am making. Best diet in the world to lose weight and never be hungry lol
I have now lost 25 pounds. And measurements have went down a motive lost inches off my boobs and ½ inches off waist, 2 ½ off hips, and 4 inches off abdomen. And inches off everywhere else too. Even ½ inched off of my neck. This is really wild.
I bought some gro. Yesterday getting ready for the next phase in my diet. Cans of re fried beans, cans of chili. A few other things. I looked at some baby food of things and most of it has way too much sugar or way too much salt to it.
Will stick with making my own stuff. I just make up things and then divide it into like four meals and freeze the small amounts . I have several little dinners already for me . Lol
I am trying to find some tiny little plastic containers to store small helpings in.
Has anyone looked at how much you are eating now and then look at others plates full of food and wondered how in the world did I ever eat all of that? Crazy isn't it?
Did Melissa go to her hernia consult yesterday?
Sherr : where are you dear. I know you go back to Columbia this next week. Right?
Colette is still on vacation.
Deanna: good to hear from you . Need to write us more. Ok?
Craig is doing ok and should be home today sometime.
Sky: great to hear from you . Don't worry about if what your life consists of is exciting or not . We like to see what you are up too. Are you walking further since the weather is better?
Im doing a lot better now. Do you still have the problem of getting down enough water or did you ever have that problem?
Bowling is something I never was any good at . Lol Don't have enough coordination. Feel like a big elephant trying to do that little walk and throw the ball at the same time. I use to like to try but like I said I never was too good. Well I was bad really .lol
Great news on your oldest daughter doing so well on her GED. Glad she is getting that for herself. And not so sure about her getting all of her smarts came from her dad. don't think Sky is no shabby girl on the smart dept either.
Pamela: it is never too late to take measurements anywhere along the line is fine.
Yeah loved the saying about (could have woken up dead) lol.
Debbie: So you are getting out of the dog raising business? Is it too stressful ? Too expensive? Or all of the above?
Glad the Lord is still blessing you and yours with financial and spiritual blessings. Cant have enough of those can we?
You should be hearing something from Dr. H soon .it usually is between a week and two weeks when they will call back for a surgery date. Just have to stay busy to keep your mind off of it
Brenda have you heard anything from Melissa?
Wayne hope you are doing ok. I know you have gone back to work .so I know you don't have the time you use too. Don't forget us guy,
David keep up the good work and take care of yourself.
I have got to replant some lilies today , then sitting off some bug bombs in the guest house today. We have some spiders there so trying to get rid of all of them. We have company coming in this week end.
Good Morning Everyone:
I know I have been MIA for awhile. I just have been running like crazy and checking on my F-I-L, school, everyday errands and so on. I went to Columbia yesterday. I was scheduled to see Dr. Ramshaw then that afternoon I had an appointment for Pre-op testing. Well my Pre-op got canceled because when I saw Dr. Ramshaw the soonest he can get me into surgery will be November 14.
Dont get me wrong I am happy he's at least has me on the board for surgery. But I am just thinking I dont know if I can handle another 2 months of this hurting like it is. Dr. R said my surgery would last anywhere from 2 to 5 hours long. They would go in on both of my sides rearrange my organs back to where they are suppose to be then put a peice of mesh in that would cover from side to side and from the bottom of my rib cage to my pubic bone. Needless to say my whole stomach area would be mesh. He would sew it in and screw it into the muscles with some sort of screws. Dr. R said I would be in the hospital if everything went okay for approx 4 to 8 days. And he told me straight up that it was I was going to be in a GREAT DEAL OF PAIN. Just what I wanted to hear. NOT!!!
I was suppose to go to the open house for school this morning but I am not going. I cant start school now until the new year so why go. I would be all excited and the waiting would kill me. lol So I will go after I have surgery and closer to the time I can actually start school. I am headed off with DH to his Dr. appointment. Then back over to my F-I-L's house to check on him. I hope you all have a great day and enjoy the weather. I has been beatiful out!!!
Love ya
Gosh, when you aren't on-line for a bit you're really out of touch! Melissa, sorry I didn't know you were in Columbia yesterday -- I was at Dr. Scott's office myself yesterday afternoon. Seems like we end up scheduling our appointments on the same day -- my next one is on 9/27/06 in case you want to go ahead and get something scheduled!! Your upcoming surgery does not sound pleasant, but will definitely be for the best in the long run.
At my appointment yesterday, my weight was down 11 pounds since my hospital dismissal last week, making my overall loss since starting my my 2 week pre-op liquid diet on 8/14 a total of 26 pounds. I am thrilled with the progress, and continue to feel great. I also took measurements yesterday, and compared to measurements taken night before surgery I've lost a total of 7 1/4 inches. YES!!!! I hadn't done my abdomen, but after seeing that in Jan's post I'm going to add it to my measuring spots!
I will be returning home to KC tomorrow afternoon, and I'm looking forward to getting back into my regular routine.
Have a good weekend all!
Good Morning Everyone
Jan you are just such a sweetie. Thanks so much. And no I haven't added any more to my walking yet as for some silly reason my right hip starts to hurt right before I get back to the house. I don't know if it is because of the steep hill or what. I just keep thinking this is so stupid I weigh less now and my hip hurts worse. LOL And thanks so much for the update on Craig, I was really wondering about him. I knew he would be ok because he has God on his side. I am so happy to hear you are doing so well.
Melissa I'm sorry you are in so much pain and have to wait so long before they can fix it. I hate to hear that you are going to have to be in the hospital that long and in that much pain. I sit here and think oh crap two of my hernias are starting to hurt me. And my biggest one sticks out in the middle of my gut and it's the one that hurts the worse. Not so bad that I can't handle it yet but I hate hospitals and I sure hate to think I would have to stay in one that long. I go see Dr. H on the 12th so I should know more then.
I think it is go great that everyone seems to be doing so well. And for all of you who are still fighting with your insurance company's, don't give up. Just keep on keeping on and keep praying and God will answer your prayers. Remember God said in his time not in our time. If it is meant to be God will help you take care of it. Of course you have to work for it too, he's not going to do it all for you. LOL
Well I hope every one has a wonderful day. You all take care of yourselves.
May God Keep and Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.
Love ya all
Good Morning,
I am glad Melissa checked in!
I was starting to worry about you,
I am so sorry to hear you have to wait so long to get your belly fixed
But God knows all about it.
Jan I guess I need to measure cause I haven't done it yet. It's never to late unless I
wait much longer.
I'm still doing pretty good, getting sick of pureed foods
It reminds me when I worked in the nursing homes and some of the residents
Talk to you all later.
Jan...for now I'm getting out of the business. The dogs take a lot of physical work and right now I'm not able to keep up. The feeding, watering, bathing, grooming, cleaning dog pens, repairing holes in yard and fence, not to mention when they come into heat and have pups.
The Lhasa Apso alone was to be groomed almost every day until I shaved her, that's a workout in itself! The, lets just say, I was getting more baths than them! I'm making sure they go to good homes. I couldn't handle it if they weren't being
It may be awhile before I hear from Dena. Coventry is my primary insurance and they have to turn it down before it is sent to Medicare for the okay....I
I'm not worried, it will all work out in time and I have plenty to do around here before I get the call and God's Blessings aren't hurting one bit.
Btw.....did anyone notice the aquarium in Dr. H's office? This aquarium is in the middle of the room and is octagon shaped, I think. He has the coolest fish I have ever It was the rainbow colored one! No one else was in the waiting room so I walked over to the aquarium to check it out. This fish started watching me...I figured it thought I was going to feed Like a little kid I started moving my finger around by the aquarium glass and the fish followed it. I started walking around the aquarium to check out the rest of it and that fish followed me, so I walked faster, it kept up, then I turned and walked back and the fish stayed with So, of course this got my kid like curiousity up so I started trying to trick the I would start going one way, then the other...up, down, back and forth and no matter what, it stayed right with!! A fish with personality! Then I got to thinking about the ladies in the office and wondered if they were watching me...LOL!! My hubby said they probably have a camera out there, hoping they would get someone like me out there and now they will be sending it to America's Funniest Home Videos....I said, no doubt!....LOL!!
The cutest thing happened yesterday...for sometime now when taking a bath I have had to sit in the tub for a long while so the ho****er can relax my muscles enough that I can bathe ....also I love it! (btw, that wasn't the cute
Well, I got in the habit of taking the grandkid's game "Tetris" with me. They have outgrown it! About 2 weeks ago, while in the tub, I dropped it in the more "Tetris." Yesterday, when my hubby got home from work, I was busy with the dogs, he said he needed to run to walmart for meds. and asked if I needed anything and I was like, nope and he left. He got back, I was finishing up with dogs. I saw he had something behind his It was a new handheld "Tetris" game and it was out of it's package and in a ziploc sandwich baggy....I looked at him, he said "here" with this big ear to ear grin he hands it to me and says "this ones water proof" I laughed, I cried, then I hugged him and.... I thanked God for him!
My hubby and I both came from VERY abusive childhoods, but together and with God's help we have overcome our past! I have become a ball baby as my pastor calls it (he is a self proclaimed ball baby, himself) and my hubby, God bless him, has gotten a little mushy over the years, himself! He use to be VERY hard hearted but with his past I could understand why! The Lord has worked hard on him over the years and finally, he broke after the passing of his father a couple of years ago. He is now, in a way, like a little puppy Always eager to please and if you show him a little attention, he will try to give you the world! His father was the same way.
Thank you Jesus!!
That's all for now...then again, it's probably more than You all have a blessed day! Deb
Glad you are doing so well Jan. I am down to two puppies now to sell from 11. My wife and I went to look at replacement stud dogs for my little male as he is old an ornery like me. I bought a nice little red male almost 1 year old he is real sweet and we call him skeeter. My wife found another little chocolate male we are going to buy two who should be real small like 3 pounds full grown.. I know we are crazy but we love our chihuahuas they are our babies as we dont have any kids and we always find the pups good homes and they make other people so happy. People like very small chihuahuas. I am glad Craig is better I thought he had gall bladder problems he just had them so soon after surgery. He will get to feeling better soon.
Good Evening David,
I just wanted to ask you something.
Do you have long haired chihuahuas?
I just love chihuahuas!!!
I bought a dog about a year ago that was 8 weeks old that was supposed to be a
long haired chihuahua.
Well the vet said that she has pomeranian in her, she is now over a year old and
she weighs about 8 or 9 pounds!
I thought I was getting a chihuahua that was only going to weigh about 3 pounds!
But now she has made a place in our family and we love her and wouldn't give her
up for the world, her name is Mattie and she is a beautiful dog. Her tail looks like a
big plume up over her back. She is that blue murial color with tan markings on her
feet and around her eyes and nose.
My last question is how much do you sell them for?
Thanks alot Brenda