Saturday Whats Happening.
Surgery went well. My uterus looks "perfect" according to the surgeon. HOWEVER, the tumor that had been removed a month ago was NOT a fibroid, but adenomyosis (endometriosos inside the uterus). In my case, it appears to have followed a rare path, presenting itself as a single tumor called an andomyoma. If I'm lucky, it was a one time freak thing and I'm considered cured. If I'm unlucky, I have this stuff inside the walls of my uterus which can make having a baby nearly impossible. Surgeon THINKS I'm fine (I guess because my uterus shape and size were normal, which isn't typical of adenomyosis), but that it's possible I could have problems in the future. At any rate, right now, he sees a perfect environment for a baby, and has given me the go-ahead for my next cycle.
If anyone has experience with this, I'd appreciate information. Most of the info online talks about hysterectomy because of pain (which I don't have)...I need REAL experiences!