B-12 stuff
hey i saw some of you were talking about B-12....
doc H. put me on the OPTISOURCE program for my vitamins.
i also use the sublingual ( under the tongue) B-12 "dots"...they are cherry flavored.
they dissolve in no time.
each dot contains 500mcg of B-12....I also take an occasional injection(cheap) of B-12 when i go to my regualr doc.....REMEMBER, you cannot take too much B-12.....its impossible...but not taking enough can lead to disaster!
i get my subliguals at www.drugstore.com
i chew four of the optisource vit.s a day....2 in the a.m then 2 in p.m.
the sublingual dots it do three times a day...just takes a few minutes for them to dissolve under my tongue. i dissolve 2 of the 500 mcg each time....but again you cant overdo the b-12....and htye are cheap cheap to buy
best wishes!