I Was Just Wondering??
Good morning again,
I forgot to say in my last post that I had [what I call] 6 bullet holes
in my mid section , that now look like very, very, bad , raised up chiggar bites.
I am also bruised from belly to brisket!!!!
What I'm wondering about is: How come nobody is putting their picture's on board
Now I know when you are fluffy you don't like getting your picture taken!
But I like to put a face with a post.
And when you get to goal weight you can put up your Hollywood Hotshot and show everyone where you came from!!!
The picture you see of me here was taken in December 2005. That is the same size I was when I had my surgery last week *300lbs*
I have never really liked having my picture taken cause I didn't like to look at my self.
But I really hate that one!!!!
That bleached blonde hair???
I don't know what I was trying to achieve with that ?
For those of you that have met me in person, you saw I finally got over that!!
My hair is now back to natural color, although it's a lot darker
now , then when I was a young adult, I have always had red hair, and now like my daddy and brother before me it is darkening, don't know why
Well that's what I was wondering.
Later Brenda :wave
Hi Brenda,
I am technologically challenged....I may see if Sherr can help me with this and get one on line, even though I shreek at the thought of my pic being on here for all to see HOW fat I am and miserable I feel-but your right, when I start meeting my goals, it will be nice to show how far I have come!! For everyone actually. Will see what I can do!!