Good morning. Well yesterday . My hubby started digging up the orange daylilies that I foolishly planted in with my other lilies . The orange ones just take over. So he is going to make me a separate bed just for them. I like them but don't want them to crowd out my other flowers. Anyway he was digging them up and I picked them up and put them in a cart. Anyone need any daylilies? I have enough for about 2 doz people. Lol. I feel so good to have done some work in the garden without doing much too. He also thinned out my water iris. These really need to be in containers in the water or they will take over. So now I need to find someone that wants a lot of these plants. Tomorrow he will finish up one more bed and then he will be ready to till up the new bed for the lily's.
I got in about ¾ of my liquid yesterday. A good start. I would feel sort of hungry and would eat a bite of jello or something and would be full. This tool is amazing. Lol. Im like a kid with a new toy.
Melissa: So sorry to hear about your father in law. That is always hard on the families when the elderly start having problems like that. You do know that if it is the start of Alzheimer's that with medication that they have now it cant reverse the damage but it can slow it down a lot.
Which would be good for him. He will need to be seen by an elderly specialist that can test him for that. So if you move into his house what do you do with your own home. Or do you rent?
That will be quite a change for all of you. I will pray for you in your decision and all of the adjustments you will need to make. He probably shouldn't be driving ever again. And probably cant pass the driving test anyway.
I am really sorry this is happening to him. Did you all not know he was this bad?
Andrew: Well thank goodness that Elephant rocks now has bathrooms. Lol Those old smelly outhouses are long gone things of the past. Doubt if many younger ones know what they even are.
I am doing great and thank God every minute. So glad I am on the other side but I keep waiting for someone to say oh we forgot to tell you we didn't do anything for you so you will just still have to be fat. Lol You were talking about being an lpn. That takes a year of studying . Can be done at vo-tech school 5 days a week for a year.
Then take an all day test usually at the capital of the state you live in. If you are on Disability you could probably get them to pay for it . You have to pass exams to get into school
Before I retired I was managing a residential care facility for elderly residents. Level one , they more or less could do for themselves but needed someone to cook and clean for them and make sure all their meds were given on time every day. It was a good job. Lot easier than being a nurse which I was too but ---
Sky: I am trying to be patient and lay around and get my strength up. I feel so good, just sort of weak. But doing better each day. I cant wait to really get to feeling good.
Wish we would have got some of your rain this morning. Don't guess we will get any.
Lucky : not long now. We will all be praying for you so that your doctor has sure hands and you have an uneventful surgery. Will someone report on the board to us that you are ok? Please have someone to if you could so we will know you made it fine. Glad you were able to resist the buffet at the luncheon . That took lots of will power. Lol Your husband will be with you for surgery won't he?
Angie: Welcome to the board first off and then we will all be praying for you this morning. You will be fine , you have one of the best surgeons in the world . Tell Anna we will be waiting for news of your surgery being completed. Thanks for thinking of us .
Sherr: you are so busy with all of your testing. Looks like they could have let you do your testing in your home town and fax all of your reports to the surgeon there. But all of them do it different. Im sure you will have a date soon.
Colette: Well if that don't beat all about your car. Sometimes we do silly things don't we? Lol
Sorry to hear about your friend passing away. It is always a sad thing to the people left behind but know that you will see them again one day.
Hope you can go meet Angie and welcome her to the family. If you get there tell her we all said hi and anxious to get to know her.
Lana; good to see you pop in. do it more often. Miss you .
Well I am still doing my nightly routine of going to bed and waking up in the middle of the night. The only difference now is that after about 2 hours up I do go back to bed and sleep until about 7 or 8 so I am getting at least 8 hours of sleep just about 4 hours at a time instead of a straight 8.
This makes the 2 night in a row that I have woke up sweating. Wonder if the surgery has my thyroid messed up for awhile. Im not running fever and don't feel sick.
Well it isn't suppose to get too hot today so maybe Joe and I can do a little more work in the garden again today. I know ,I know Im not going to do too much. I cant so no need to try. I get tired too easily. Just wait until I get totally well tho .just wait. When my 10 pound lifting weight limit is lifted which I still have a week to go on that by then I should be batting 100. I cant believe it has been a week since surgery already. Wow. That went by sort of quick.
Everyone remember our newest member Angie this morning as she is undergoing surgery. I know we have some powerful prayer warriors out there so turn on the prayers guys. Love each and everyone of you. We have an awesome group here.
good morning jan...and everyone....
well back to work today
had a relaxing weekend of watching i dont play...just helps me take a nap lol
and then playing with our newest "baby"..our ten week old mini-dachsund...a long hair.
other than that just a mellow weekend....
hope you all have a nice day
Good morning and Monday at that,
Well I made a cake and 2 dishes for the funeral this morning so I will be leaving here in about an hour to get things lined up for the dinner for the family. Praise God, another of his people have come home to HIM. This gentleman was a Christian in all aspects of his life. Always there for whoever needed him and very active in all the church organizations etc. He was sunday school supt. for over 40 years.
My lilies need thinned out too. Our house will be getting new siding next monday, and they said it will take a week to complete. So we will have a mess around here. But the end product will be nice. It needs it. We have only lived here 12 years, but the house is about 35 years old and we are getting tired of painting. LOL.
Will find out today when I can take the car in to be fixed. Hope it is soon. I will drive the truck but dont like to and it is a gas hog. LOL
Angi is having surgery this am so everyone keep her in your prayers. Depends on my car and if I get it back tomorrow I will try to see her and welcome her.
Where is Brenda? Has she posted and I missed her?
Jan, have you ever planted the lilies at Easter time(the white ones) and had luck with them blooming? I planted 2 of them several years ago and they bloomed for me this year. And they were beautiful. Would love to see all your flower beds some day.
Well, good morning to all of the others, and have a great day. Colette
Good Morning Everyone
Jan I am glad you are feeling all right. And just remember to sip, sip, walk then repeat. LOL Really just don't over do it. You will start feeling better in no time.
And Colette I hope you get your car fixed soon. I hit a dear a couple weeks ago and the only thing it really did to my truck is burned the headlight out. And I don't drive much at night so I plan on getting it fixed when I take it in for an oil change.
I think I lost my mind this morning. I was doing my regular walk and at the bottom of the one hill about two blocks into my walk I turned left instead of right to come home. This made my walk double what it was. And wow I forgot how many hills there are down that way. But it took me right down by the lake and it was pretty this morning. And then some dog that was running lose ran right into the middle of a big flock of geese. Talk about loud, it sounded like drums going off with a lot of honking too. LOL I jumped at first cause I was looking at the bluff to see if the trees are changing there yet cause some of them in our yard are starting to lose their leaves already. Well the bluff is still pretty green. When fall comes it is usually very pretty. Well when I got home I think I had rubber bands instead of legs for a while. That was a pretty long walk but a nice one at the same time. I hope to do that much again tomorrow.
Well I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
Angi is in my prayers this morning and so are the rest of you. Please take care of yourselves and May God Bless Each and Every One of You and Your Families Too.
Love ya all
Good morning Missouri.
I am finally back from Nebraska, we got back yesterday evening and I tell you what it was a long crazy week. I am glad to be home...My mom's surgery is in just two weeks....She goes for her pre-ops next if you haven't signed her surgery page please do....her name is Tamara P. Tonight is the beginning of some busy weeks my son starts football practice tonight and it is three nights a week...I will have to make sure I say extra prayers to give me strength....I take my B12 shot today this is my second weekly one and then one more next Monday and then monthly for the rest of my life.....I still haven't felt the difference yet but I am wanting miracles to happen I guess....I hope everyone has a blessed day and may God bless each and everyone of you.
God bless
Good Morning Everyone:
Just a quick hi, hello, howdy. My DH's friend is here fixing the air conditner. The fan motor went out Saturday morning. Which is what started this whole weekend thing!!! So from fan motor going out, my F-I-L's brush with the police. Someone breaking into our tenants house (which is in my our back yard). It has been a very bad weekend. I am so glad to see Monday here!!!! I dont think I could of done one more thing. lol
I hope everyones weekend was a good one and that you all have a great week. Looks like we will be having some newbies (Losers) on the bench before long. Brenda will just have to scoot over and make room for them. Congrats on everyone that has received their surgery dates!!!!
Take Care
Good morning MO OH friends,
Today is the first day of classes here at Missouri State so it's been a constant stream of kids coming in wondering where their classroom is, etc. I love it. We also have a new work study person for the AM and she has proved to be awesome. Such a pleasure. We have many work study kids and almost all are great. They help us so much and working here helps them pay for their education.
I always enjoy the first day, watching what the kids are wearing and their shoes and purses, backpacks, etc. Then I know what my grandson will be wanting. My daughter and grandson are getting all packed up ready to move 9/16. I am just so excited I can't stand it and John and I are going to Chicago for a week starting 9/2 so I'll just get home in time for the September meeting. I have reserved us a space at Panera Bread for the 11th at 7:30. The restaurant is on National north of the hospital/MSU campus. I just reserved it in my name. They don't charge anything. I figured we would be able to drink something they have available. And some of us might want something to eat.
Jan, you sound so good. I couldn't wait for you to get your surgery because I knew you'd tell it like it is. God is certainly good isn't He?
Made the squash soup yesterday afternoon. Wish you had some.
Hugs and love to everyone,