update on Brenda
Just got home from Sedalia about 30 minutes ago. Went to visit Brenda, and by the way she is doing great, and will be coming home tomorrow. She has a long (6) hour drive home so she will be exhausted when she gets home. She said her daughter is coming to stay with her Sat and Sunday while Dennis is gone for church etc. She is tired but otherwise is feeling great. And she looks great too. God is good!!! now I got to go read the posts for today and see what has happened. Colette
I got to speak to Brenda on Friday also. She sounds so great!!! You would if never thought that she just had a major surgery. She was so peppy bless her heart and sounded in good spirits. I didnt keep her on the phone long cause she was tired. Plus just having surgery. Brenda told me that you came for a visit and about the basket. Colette you are so precious to everyone here. I pray God blesses you in a way that only he can!!!! Thank you for being such a blessing in my life!!!
God Bless
Thanks for the kind words, but I am only doing what a Christian should do. I have the opportunity to be close to the hospital, and God has indeed blessed me with a second chance by having this surgery also. You and all the people on here are so special. We need to up lift and encourage each other. Be here for one another when we fall down help each other up. Sometimes we have hardships and we can help each other through it. I am just happy to know you all and be a part of this group. Love you all!! Colette