Hornbostel vs. Scott
I live about 4 hours away from both of these doctors. I have already completed all of my pre-op items in Springfield and recently (and frustratingly) found out both of these doctors are COVERED under my insurance.
I need some guidance...
Will one of these doctorsl allow me to do my fills and support groups in Springfield, rather than driving so far each month?
Does anyone have experience with both doctors?
If you know either of these doctors, can you tell me which would be the most flexible?
How do I find out if everything I have done will transfer to one of these doctors?
If I can't transfer, I think I am just going to stay with Dr. Hodges and pay the amount that insurance won't cover and continue to think of it as a wonderful investment!
Thanks for reading,
Leah: I am scheduled for surgery with Dr. Scott on 8/28. In researching surgeons in Missouri/Kansas who perform WLS, it appeared to me that Dr. Hornbostel and the surgeons at MO Bariatrics (including Dr. Scott) were the best choices for me. I went with MO Bariatrics as I have family and friends in Columbia, so this was logical place to go. I live approximately 2 hours from Columbia, and Dr. Scott's office was fine with writing the orders for my pre-op diagnostic tests for me to give to my PCP here in KC, who then scheduled the tests for me at a nearby hosptial. Worked fine, and this did not seem to be at all a problem for Dr. Scott's office. Hope this is helpful. Good luck to you!
I cant help you with your question. I had RNY and happen to know Dr. H is on the top of list with me. I also heard Dr. Scott is good. I am not familiar with what all you have to do for Lap band with the fills. Hope someone else can help you. I wish you the best and please keep on posting with us. Colette
first of all, its not REQUIRED that you attend support groups at all.
i never have...just because nobody has come forward in the kansas city area that knows of one.:-/
doc h. would LIKE people to come to his seminars but i cant cause i live and hour and a half away, he understands the deal....
as far as im concerned doc h. is the best choice...but im kinda partial lol
THE best!!
Thank you all! I called Dr. H (as you all call him) and they have changed it to where the seminar IS required, but that is ok...because they seem optomistic that everything will transfer, PLUS I can get my post-op care here in Springfield.
I will keep you updated as to what the final decision and road is for me!
Hi Leah, I'm Debbie...I'm also a soon to be patient of Dr. H....yes the seminar to get you acquainted with him and Dena IS mandantory but the monthly support groups aren't...at least with what I have heard on here. I hope to meet you with us both seeing Dr. H.....either way, Good Luck with your surgery!
I am verrry glad you chose Dr. H I live in Columbia and I drive to Sedalia to see him he is the best I have not had my surgery yet but Dena is so nice she has helped me with the extensive list of stuff I had to get for the insurance to even consider approving my surgery. I do not want to bash Dr.Scott actually yes I do he killed my father about 7 years ago while in surgery he knicked my dads liver and he bled to death in the University hospital, while Dr.Scott was to busy at a football game right across the street and couldn't get to the hospital and save my dad because he said he was stuck in traffic even though there is a tunnel that goes under the street to the hospital from the stadium. Also a freind of mine went to him and she had a lot of seriouse complications from him operating on her. So I have to say I think you made the right choice I am sure he has helped a lot of people but he has also hurt a lot of people and I was one of them directly affected by him negligence.
I live with it everyday. Sorry if I am kind of bitter but I am sure you understand.