Hi Missouri friends,...
Hi Missouri friends,
I have a question.... has anyone heard of Dr. Hornbostel not accepting someone as a patient for wls? If so, what was the reason? I'm not talking about insurance problems or low BMI. I guess I mean for medical reasons. I just have a feeling that he might not accept me for the surgery and I don't want to get my hopes up too high.
Also I had my appointment in Springfield yesterday for my psyche evaluation. The psychologist I went to just talked and ask a lot of questions for an hour (well,50 min.). Then she said she would recommend that I have the surgery and will write a letter to that effect. I hope it is enough. There was no testing or ink blots or anything. Do you think that is all I need?
I agree with some other lurkers, you guys are morale boosters. I don't post often but I read nearly all of yours.
Der Jan, David, Marcia, & Barb
I'm so sorry, I was so busy remembering my ills I forgot to thank you all for taking the time to answer my query. I really do appreciate you all. You're always ready to share a kind word or one of encouragement. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thankyou!!!!!!!!
Everyone lately here is going with Dr Hornbostel, but I saw him first and had surgery elsewhere. His office never contacted me after the initial appointment and the office stafff did not seem to care at all to me. I felt I was treated badly there so I had my surgery with Dr. Lambert in Batesville, Arkansas and had a good experience. My surgery went well and my wife had her surgery six months after mine. We have both done well. I have a low opinion of Bothwell Hospital. You might want to have a back up plan like I did. Dr Hornbostel is a good surgeon but Bothwell hospital in my opinion is not a good hospital even if they got the Medicare approval thing. There are many competent docs doing wls. You have choices. Doc Lambert in Batesville is good, some Docs in Little Rock are good and they now have two doc doing surgery in Springfield, Missouri. They also do surgery in Fayettvill, Arkansas. Do your research and be sure you like the doc. Doc Lambert told us we are his patients for life and we see him twice a year . I am almost three years out and my wife two and a half years out.
His nurse is someone I've known for over 20 years, she is one of the sweetest and most caring people I've ever met. And Dr. Hornbostle, I don't know real well but I sang in Handel's Messiah choir a few different years and he was there at every rehersal, in fact he sings many of the solos. Like that makes a bit of difference how good of a surgeon he is but I know from the passion in his voice when he sings such beautiful songs of praise, and how very friendly he always seems to be to everyone else there, I can tell he is a good guy and very caring! I have known several people who have gone to him and have never heard a bad word about him. Maybe one office visit isn't enough to get a complete picture. And I have my own Bothwell issues, but to be honest with you every hospital in every town also has issues. Just the further you live from them, the less you hear about them.
Hi Marilyn
I just had surgery on the 7th and I'm home and doing fine. I feel hat Dr. Hornbostel is a godsend and he is humble, very caring and very good at what he does. His office is extremely busy and sometimes we ourselves may not come off very good depending on what may have happened before you see someone, yet it is good to do your own research, I was amazed at the care at Bothwell because I too had herad negatives but I received excellent care and don't have anything bad to say about them, so it is really an individual analysis and how we feel may not agree with how you feel so check everything out for yourself, there are lots of great physicians doing this wonderful surgery, so pray and ask God which one is right for you . God bless!
Barb T. in KC.
Thanks Jan, David, Marcia, & Barb,
I will try to answer all-in-one. First I am diabetic, have copd, arthritus & heart issues (received 3 stents 10 yrs. ago) I take 3 different meds for high blood pressure & angina not to mention others to numerous to mention. I had both knees replaced 3 yrs. ago and had a pulmonary embolisim at that time. In 1986 I lost a kidney due to abcess and on top of all that I am 64 yrs.old.
I know for the Center of Excellence both the doctor and hospital have to have done so many WLS and had a good outcome. In order to protect that CoE designation they aren't apt to accept someone who is in bad health and might mess up their record. At least that is what I've been thinking. I hope I'm wrong.
Also since Medicare is my only insurance (my supplemental excludes wls) I have to go to a CoE which rules out Little Rock, Batesville, Mtn. Home, Springfield, etc. It also rules out St. Louis which would have been my first choice since I lived there for 45 yrs.
That should give you all a pretty good picture of where I'm coming from, so what do you think?