Friday and only 3 more days. LOL I called Linda last night and she is in room 365, same as Barbara, same as Craig. Isnt that wild. We will see if I have 365 too. She sounded great, strong and pain free. She said she had used very little pain meds and wasn't hurting that bad. She said that Dr. Hornbostel was a great surgeon. Which we all know by now.
Today is a busy day for me. First this morning I am going to have a u.a. done then Joe and I both are going to have our hair cut.
Then we need to get the new boat motor registered. I need to pick up a few things at the dollar store. We may stop and eat . But I will stay on my diet that I am on. Yesterday I don't know how many calories I consumed but it had to be a small amount and yet im not hungry at all. I had all day long 2 tomatoes, 1 cucumber, ½ cup of diced ham, 2 hard boiled eggs. that and 6 quarts of water. Lol
Boy did we ever get the rain last night and it is still raining this morning, Thank You Jesus. Now I don't have to drag tha****er hose around all day Saturday watering everything one last time before I leave the house. God did it for me. Isnt He the most awesome God? Amen???
Melissa : it was great to talk to you again yesterday. Thanks for thinking to call me.
I wonder if you will get up early this morning too. Or is two mornings in a row too much for you? Lol Hope your back is feeling better. What are you going to be doing today? How are you doing on the weight loss?
Barbara: You ask for a hamburger? How funny.
You are one awesome lady and I cant wait to see what the Lord has planned for you to do now? Isnt it wonderful that God let these Dr.s learn how to do this surgery so we can again join the human race in service to Him?
Andrew:So glad that you got to and from Dr. Hornbostels office safely. He is an awesome Dr. isn't he. I guess that explains why he is booked thru the first of November. I don't doubt for a minute that he has patients from 8 different states with the medicare laws like they are about the hospital must be a center of excellence. After doing my pre ops there I can see why. It may be small but they are so organized .I would love to work somewhere that is that organized.
You will get your date in the next couple of weeks you will know and the extra time will just help you to get your weight down some more. After all we know how to get it off it is keeping it off that doesn't work right? We will keep you in prayer that your date happens soon.
Sky: so nice to have you back on the board . We sure miss you when you are gone. How is the weight loss coming along?
Don't know anything at all about trapping except what I see on tv and most of that is against it and blowed way out of proportion
I know just like deer hunting or any sort of hunting that is it wasn't done we would soon be so over run with deer that you couldn't drive. Almost cant down here where we live anyway
And if they arent thinned out they get sickly and start dieing off from lack of food for the amount of deer. So I am sure it is that way with almost all animals.
Lana: How are you this beautiful Friday morning? How is your exercise program coming along? I know you are certainly faithful to it and are setting up a good way for after you have surgery your body will already be stronger and ready to go. You wont have to learn to do all of that but will already know it. I don't know why people have to say things like that when you tell them you are going to have the wls. It seems like all of them know someone that has had problems. And are always pointing out the fact that you arent that big? On yeah they ought to have to drag this fat body around all day and then I would like for them to see how big it is.
They will say things "Well just stop eating" Oh yeah that is the answer. I feel like saying to them " why don't you stop breathing" lol . But I don't One of these days maybe there wont be anymore problems associated with this so they wont have tales to tell.
Love and hugs to all of you and may God shine his blessing down upon all of you today.
Hi Jan your day is coming pretty soon. I am feeling better I just am mad at the computer. I have been putting in applications around town, I am bored sitting home. Last week the heart doc turned to my pacemaker from 60 beats a minute to 75 beats a minute and that has really helped. I am down to 5 puppies to sell. I may have to keep them for a while and I sure have them spoiled. They sleep in the bed with me. We named them yesterday so someone will probably buy them now. We named them Zorro for the black puppy, Polar bear and Panda bear for the white pups who are identical, black eye for the pup who looks like he has a black eye all the time, and Calamity Jane for the only girl left who always seems to get into mischief. I take them to the vet today for their second round of shots. Glad Linda is doing fine and had lap it is a lot easier to recover from than open surgery.
Good Morning Jan and everyone.
Just got back from my walk. It just seems so fresh out after the rain. I only saw one momma deer and her two babies this morning. Some days I see more and some days I don't get to see any.
Jan you are so right about the animals and thank you so much for not rushing to judge me and for understanding. I get a lot of flack for what I do, but if people would stop and think about it and see what is true and what is not then they would understand. A lot of the same people have leather shoes, belts, and car seats and eat meat but don't think any animal should be hurt. Then you have groups like PETA, they say animals should have the same rights as humans, and then they are caught killing dogs and cats from pounds and putting them in trash dumpsters. It's just another ploy to get money for most of them. Opps ok sorry I will get off my soapbox now. LOL
Anyway I am so happy for Brenda and Linda and everyone else who has went through their surgeries. And I am so excited for you Jan. I am almost as excited for you as I was for myself. Isn't that funny? LOL I would love to go see Linda today but I have to sit here and wait for an important phone call and I have a bad feeling it won't come till late, but if I leave the house they will call while I am gone. I'm sure most of you know how that goes. LOL
Well I hope you all have a wonderful day. Take care of yourselves and May God Bless and Keep Each and Every One of You and Your Loved Ones Too.
Good Morning Everyone
So who all got some rain or storms last night?? We sure got a couple of whoppers last night. Had to call the Elecrtic company cause the wind was blown so hard the across the street from our house. The tree limbs wa****ting the power lines and sending sparks all over the ground. That was freaky expecially with the ground as dry as it was. Thank God we got some good rain that soaked into the ground.
Going to call Linda today. I didnt want to bother her the night of her surgery. So glad to hear that she is doing so well. And it is amazing they you all keep getting the same room. Hmmm Well Jan your next will you get the same room also?? Not going to be doing to much today. Besides calling Linda and checking up on her. And maken acouple of other calls. DH was up with me all night last night. My hernia has been bothering me REALLY BAD since yesterday. It burns and is so tender to touch. DH is upset cause I wont let him take me to th ER. Trying to hold out until I see Dr. S on the 24th of this month. Dont know if I will last or not.
Well I am going to sign off. I love you all. I will post and let you know how Linda is doing. And leave the number directly into her room. You all have a great day and enjoy the upcoming weekend!!!
Love ya
Good Morning Jan and fellow Missourians
I feel GREAT!! I've have my breakfast (clear Liquids) did my laps around the dinning room table
, had my meds (I'm down to only four meds and insulin only if my BS is over 150) I bought some Optisource from Dr. H.'s office which I figure would be better than the vitamins I was taking, and I just feel great. I talked with Linda briefly this morning to check on her and she sounds really good, really good. yes I had to laugh because we all seem to be in the same room, that's good though (good vibes) Jan it was funny that I asked for a ''Burger" but you know the
tries to trick you lol, and I am sipping and walking, in a couple of days if not too hot I'll go outside to walk. I am excited about what God has done, is doing and going to do in my life I'm ready to run, and
and shout all over the place
. Anyway I pray for a blessed day for EVERYONE
May God's continuous blessings overtake each and everyone of you.
Barb T. in KC
hello everyone,
I have been off due to complications of our computer. Last evening Mel and I had dinner in Sweet Springs with Brenda and Dennis. Had a wonderful time and they are such nice folks. My husband had already warned me about the computer as he knows I like to get on and post. Well it was down till 800pm this evening. I was elated to hear Linda is coming home, but disappointed cause I planned on going to the hospital tomorrow after work at 300 to see her. you see I thought she was having open surgery so I knew she would be there. Sorry Linda, but I am happy you will be home. I drove over to see Barbara and missed her by 1 1/2 hours. But I am happy Barbara that you are doing fine too.
Jan, gosh I am so excited for you. Let us know the results of UA. Your time is approaching and I want to tell you I am praying for you. God will also protect you.
Please send us some of that rain. everything is drying up around here. we did not get that rain. Well, to anyone I missed have a great weekend. I have to work 8 hours tomorrow so wont post till after that. Colette