What do you want to gain by losing?
One thing I have wondered since I have been posting here is what are some of the "small things" we want to gain back after we lose the weight we want. Now, you don't have to answer this if you don't want to and don't put anything on here that you may regret later but, I am curious. So, feel free to write whatever you want, happy, sad, funny, glad...whatever!
We know the usual; better health, smaller clothes, to NOT be the center of attention when we walk in public but what about the little things? There are some pretty unique and funny ones in the profiles I have read on here. Here are just a few...
One I have to totally agree with is the one about being able to put my shoes on and breath at the same time or being able to wear shoes with ties and be able to tie the ties on top of the shoes like there supposed to be.
To be intimate with my hubby, the way we use to be!
To be able to take a shower and reach all the places I need to and be able to breath at the same time.
To be able to use a washcloth to wash myself instead of using a dish towel or cloth that used to wash cars. :-&
To be able to clean my house and do laundry in a days time instead of having to take breaks every few minutes or doing it from a wheelchair and the work never getting finished.
To be able to get in a car, plane or carnival ride without being the center of attention or having to ask for the seatbelt extension. (Sometimes, I wonder if the people watching are placing bets on whether I will fit or not)
To NOT feel ashamed while asking for or eating a dessert in a public restaurant.
To not be disgusted by my appearance when walking arm in arm with my hubby and wondering if the people looking are asking themselves "why is HE with someone like HER?"
To NOT need the electric carts while shopping!
To be able to sing in Church and not run out of breath.....to be able to carry on a conversation without running out of breath.
To be able to go to the altar at Church and wonder if somone is looked at my butt.
To go to Christmas Dinner, everyone sees you and says "WOW!"
To be able to smile and mean it!
To be able to get down on the floor with my kids, grandkids or dogs, just to play and then be able to get up.
To be able to go to the Dr. and get GOOD news!
To be able to wear all those adorable little shoes and boots that I have stored in my closet because my feet are to fat or swollen to wear.
To be able to fit in a tanning bed again...not that I would do that anymore but it would be nice to know that I'd fit.
To be able to walk in somewhere and have 2 or 3 men get up to offer me their seat because their nice, not because it would take that many to get up so I could sit down.
To be able to bend over to pick something up and not fart! :-&
To be able to walk into a restaurant and NOT be asked if I want to sit at a table because I can't fit in a booth or know that they are putting me in a special booth made for fat people.
To be able to stand and style my hair like I use to.
To be able to tend to my flowers and garden again.
To sit down with a bowl of cereal and know it's a normal size bowl instead of a Jethro Bodine (Beverly Hillbillies for those too young to remember) bowl size.
To play frisbee with my dogs.
To be able to step up onto a ladder, even a step ladder and wonder if it's gonna break or if I will fall.
To wear pants that AREN'T stretchable, have an elastic waist or that I have to lie down to zip up.
To find a bra that fits AND is comforable!
To be satisfied with "1" sandwich or "2" small cookies.
To NOT need help with personal hygiene or grooming
To be able to talk with someone needing help with their health and not feel like a hypocrite!
To get up and NOT be afraid that something is stuck in your butt crack....sorry but, ain't it the truth? :-&
Anyone wanna add something or am I gonna be alone on this one...either way, I'm happy. I got it off my chest...lol
Be a good day everyone!! Deb
To be able to dance at a party or where ever and not get nasty looks.
To be able to look good in just a "one piece" swimming suit , not a "3piece" swimming suit, shorts and a t shirt..Lol
to be able to wear a sleeve less shirt or halter and not having "bat wings when waving hello. Lol
to be able to go to a resturant and fit into a booth.
To be able to go to any store and find your size.
To be able to make down right nasty dirty dirty sex with out getting tired..Hahahahah lol lol
okay im done lol
I want to sit in a chair with arms and not have the arms digging into my thighs. I want to be able to go swimming in public without stares. I want to run and play with my grandson. I want to not be stiff and sore everytime I get up from a chair and not have to walk like a 90 yr old grandma until I can get up straight.
There are many more things I want to do....but just live normally without stares and ridicule would be the best.
To be able to walk in Wal-Mart Supercenter and not get winded.
To be able to sit in the middle seat on an airplane--& not have to raise the arms to fit.
To get to sit in a booth in a restaurant beside my husband & not have to sit at a table across from him.
To be able to stand up close to my husband when I kiss him and not have to bend over my tummy.
To be able to enjoy long walks in the park like I used to.
To walk by a mirror and like what I see and not want to barf because of what I see.
To live long enough to see my grandson have children.
To make my son and husband proud of me for finally doing something about my weight.
To be able to show my dad that I do have the will-power to get rid of this fat like he asked me to.
To be able to walk into a doctor's office and sit in any chair and not have to scan the room looking for chairs without arms.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that come to mind right now.
Some of these things I can totally relate to, and others tell me what I might have to deal with in the future if I don't do something now.
What I would have to gain is.........
Not being tired all the time
Being able to mount my horse from the ground and not a really tall stool, and BTW my horse is short 14.2 hands.
Not feeling sorry for the poor horse lol
Being able to play golf without using a cart, or feeling exhausted even with a cart.
Chipping a ball or putting without hitting my belly with my arm
Wearing shorts without being embarased of my michelin man legs.
Painting my toenails
Riding in a go-cart with my kids without killing the motor going up hills (this happened at my son's b-day party when he was 10, I was mortified!)
Taking my kids to the pool which I won't do now because I'm too embarased
Being on top
Buying clothes to accentuate me, not hide me in.
Actually liking going on a nice walk
Riding in an airplane in comfort
Not feeling like people are talking behind my back especially when I'm with my skinny good looking husband.
Feeling like I belong in my family. (I'm adopted and love my family very much but I'm the only fat one and that sometimes makes me feel out of place)
Really caring what I look like
These things are fun for me to invision and think about. I hope someday I'll have the chance to actually have the surgery and make it a reality.
I have reached my goal and it is nice. I can put on a bathing suit and not have to worry I look like a beached whale. It is nice to wear loud clothing if I want to wear it and still look ok. My only regret is all the darn wrinkles, my butt looks like a shar pei, but luckily no one but my wife sees it and as she has had wls too, she is wrinkled as well. We look like a couple of prunes but we are thinner now and better off.