If, I had to would I have it done again???
At this point I would have to give some advice.......If you're preop and on they day of your surgery you feel slightly ill...make sure you tell the Dr. Dont let stress, nervousness or being tried calm your mind......It maybe something different....If your temp is up that morning...Please also tell the DR. Some complications are there before surgery.....I had been biten on July 4th by a spider...I knew that I was biten but thought it was going away..the Bite was down looking great.....My temp was up that morning....If you feel that you're uneasy about your temp being up let them know before hand..Saves on complications......my breathing is getting better....I went to the ER last night because I got worried my temp was climbing.....and I could not even take a sip of water.......Well (knowing KV hospital) they sent me home..But I had already figured out how to work this out..I got home and crushed up a Ativan (since it is used for many different things)..Ativan made my nauesa go away and i was able to drink water and take the nasty antibotic....It has also cleared up some of the bad taste i was having and smelling........i been sipping water all day and it tastes so good....Although I still get that feeling that you're sitting at Thanksgiving,,youve had two plates of food but you have to do more.....then there is that dreaded bite...Do I eat it because its good..or do I want to vomit?.........That pretty welll describes how my stomach feels right now.....
On Preop day I had lost 18 lbs......On Surgery day ...I had lost another 17lbs...Total 35lbs Dr. said I gained a few back but it was water intake due to IV's and stuff....but that should be lost pretty fast.........Iam walking more.....hunched over some my belly is still stiff and sore.....LOL I do remember in recovery I asked Connie the Anes. Assit.. where the Truck went....She said " Honey what truck is that".....of Course i said ..."the one that hit me really really hard".. LOL
SO If I had to do it all over again would I?...the answer is YES.......I already can see my face is smaller not as swollen .......Face looks a bit thinner...Cut alot of my medicine out too which is great that i have taken for 8 years .....God Bless
Craig Lee
oh Craig so glad you are feeling well enough to sit down and write to us. I have been worried about you all day. I know what you mean about the nasty taste and smell . Is it from the antibotics or is it from the infection in the system. I am having the same problem. Even water taste nasty sometimes. I am so glad that the truck didnt completly run you over but just got in a glancing blow.
So the hospital last night didnt do anything? I bet they didnt hesitate to charge tho for it?
Im glad that you are able to tell some differeence in your face already. that is wonderful. sip sip walk walk sip some more. you will get there I have confidence in you. You are my hero. Jan
Hey Craig!
Glad to see you are up and about feeling well enough to post that's good, just wanted to say you are still in my prayers and take care of yourself. I go for Pre-op on Monday
You said you lost 35 lbs by your surgery date man that is excellent. I just started the ten day diet this pass Monday and don't see a diference yet
I guess I'm just a little concerned you know Dr. H. didn't say I had to lose anymore weight and I'm trying to follow the diet guidelines
Any suggestions?
Well just wanted to holler and say hello keep up the good work aand God bless.
Barb T. in KC
Craig, so glad you're doing so well. You must be feeling a little better because you've got your sense of humor of and going. That's sometimes hard after all you've been through!
Take care of yourself and remember to do the "sip, sip, walk, walk" dance often. I'll keep you in my prayers and God bless you...