Hello, my Missouri OH Friends,
I am at work, the week has flown by. This evening DH leaves to fly to Las Vegas to provide some parental support/love to his younger son who is going through a divorce so I have until next Friday night by myself. I have so many things to get done I don't know how I'll survive. I hope we get some more rain so I don't have to water all his flowers twice a day!!! I want to do some cooking, have been without leftovers most of the week and I hate paying for lunch. I want to put one of those wallpaper fake windows in our bathroom to surprise him when he comes home. And I have to go to the post office in the AM. Just lots of little errands. Hope you all have a great weekend and if you don't hear from me until Monday, you'll know I'm out running the streets of Springfield!!! No one will be safe!!! Hope your recovery smooths out, Craig. I will continue to keep you and all the other Missouri board folks in prayers.
Hugs and love to you all.
Actually you have to win one of the big tournaments to be invited to worlds. Kids come from every country in the world to compete, it's really pretty neat.
I've been looking for a new place to move my shop. I've been looking all over town, it's either too high of rent, or just right and the place has something wrong with it or the landlord has the personality of lint and I don't think I could sign into a lease with someone who might cause me grief as was the case with one shop I was looking at. I LOVED the place, it was a bit tiny, and it's across the street from a Planned Parenthood, I'm a very passionate ProLifer, it might not have been pretty lol. But anyway this guy said he wanted 3,000 cleaning deposit. I told him that was insane, heck the place only rents for 400.00. He said it was because of the animals, I told him "It's just hair, it sweeps up." I don't know what he thinks the dogs are going to do to the place but anyway he seems like a rude guy anyway so forget it. Sooooo the search goes on for the perfect place. Where I'm at now is just too small for what I want to do, and I don't really like the location.
Welcome back Craig, the newest member of the Post-Op club that I SOOOOOO want to be a member of!