Update on me....
Went to the neurologist yesterday and he ran a battery of lab work....was going to do a lumbar punture on this Thursday but he called me at work and put it on hold....he also called to tell me that my B12 levels were extremely low and that is what may causing all my bad symptoms....So he is saying that my problems that I have been having my be just because of my low B12....So now I have to start taking the B12 injections instead of sublinqual....Thanks for all the prayers and positive thoughts towerd me....my mom went for her pulmologist appointment today and they cleared her for her surgery...now we are just waitng for her preop dates......She has lost over 30 pounds by doing mostly what Dr Scott had asked her to do.....MOM, keep up the great work you are doing wonderful....
God bless to everyone.
wow that all your pain may be from low B12 and injections instead of sublingual. Not a bad price to pay for no more pain. Lots better than surgerys right. Amazing. Lets hope and pray that this ends your pain and you get to feeling better quick. Could that not have been found by a reg blood test ? Jan