Craig is GREAT...
I dropped by Bothwell last evening to see Craig. He was sitting up in a chair and watching TV. He said he was doing great and the only problem he was having was with lots of gas. He had been walking the halls and was going to go for another walk real soon. He said he feels full all the time--just like at Thanksgiving! He had eaten a couple bites of Jello and drank some apple juice and was stuffed! However, he was running a temp of 101, but the nurse said that happens a lot around sundown. He was checked for leaks and there was none.
He is supposed to go home today.
I had never met Craig before. He is a wonderful person. He's very kind and sweet. Sure will be glad when he gets back to the board!
That's the update...Linda
Thanks for letting us know how he is doing.... yes it is not uncommon for folks to run a mild temp. after surgery... hope that he continues to do better and that the gas situation is soon gone!
You were very kind to stop in and check on him. One thing that I wish that I could do is travel around the state and visit EVERYONE as they are in the hospital. That would be so grand!