Gooood Morning...
Wow, I got a letter in the mail this morning from my PCP, it was a copy of the recommendation he has faxed to Dr. Hornbostel, woohoo now they have everything they need except me lol my consult is Aug. 9th, after that Dena can submit it all to Medicare and hopefully soon soon soon after that I'll have a date
I was kind of surprised to get a copy of it and so soon really cuz my PCP seems always wait til the last min to do things like that but im sure not complaining!!!!!
Yes Jan we went on a lil picnic yesturday and it was ggggrrreeeaaatttt, so nice and peaceful out and not all that hot, it was still kind of warm but the shade was really niceeee. Been praying for Craig this morning, I know he's prolly on his way out of surgery by now, I'll sure be checking back for updates on him.
Well I'm off to run some quick errands, glad everyone is having a decent day so far, Sherr keep us updated on how your consult went. Hope Melissa shows back up soon, miss her messeges and jokes she posts.
Ya'll have a Blessed day!!!
Good Morning,
I looked at my book again and the directions I have say drink 1 bottle of Mag Citrate.
I have never had to drink Go-Litely but my husband did when he had his colonoscopy.You know all the years I worked in the medical field I have tried to figure out why they call that stuff "GO-Litely" cause you certainly do not Go- lightly.
When I had my colonoscopy I had something like 24 pills to take every 5 minutes til they were gone. Oh well whatever you take it all comes out in the end.
Jan I do hope you find out what is making you sick. I have had a problem the last year and a half, sometimes I would get up and I felt like I had morning sickness.
I knew I wasn't pregnant
. So anyway the first time I felt that way I did throw up a couple times. I went to see my PCP I told him what was happening and he ran a blood test and the results showed I had an H.Pyloric infection in my stomach. That has happened three times to me now, the last episode was in February of this year.
Don't know if this could be your problem but it wouldn't hurt to talk to your PCP about it.
Jan I'm glad you got a chuckle out of my "Special News Report" I hope everyone reads it!
If Melissa is supposed to call and check on the AWOL people, we will have to call her and see if she called herself, and if everything is ok.
Yesterday in church I asked for special prayer for Craig and have prayed for him today and I know in the name of Jesus he will do great.
Good luck today to Sherr and Lucky with your appointments.
I pray everyone will have a stupendious day and enjoy this weather. If I didn't mention your name just know that I am always thinking about everyone and praying for you all.
God bless.
Good Monday Morning.
Yes, It is still morning by my clocks. lol But not by much thats for sure. Sounds like everyone is getting all ready for there big day. I got to call and talk to Craig yesterday. He sounds just like he post a gentle soul.
Jan: I am sorry to hear that you keep getting sick. Are you painting, or useing chemicals that maybe maken you sick?? Take care of yourself. Your day is just around the cornor.
Lana: I love the Blonde!! I think it looks good. Of course I really like the red also. lol
Sherr: Sounds like the hotel you stayed in was pretty nice. You got to talking about panny-cakes and my mouth started to water. Mmmmmmm You mentioned something about some sryup tho. Whats the name of it??
Craig: I know your not going to be alble to read this until you get home. But I just wanted to say it made my day to be able to talk to you on Sunday. You have touched all of our heart in so many ways!!!! Looking forward to hearing from you again.
Andrew: Picnics are always so much fun. Elephant Rock sounds like a kewl place.
Dannielle: Girl where have you been hiding yourself??
Brenda: Just wanted you to know I called Melissa today. She told me to tell ya'll that she isnt missing. She has just been really busy and been having tummy problems. lol
This is my last week with my nephew so I have been running around like crazey with him. Plus yesterday we went over to my F-I-L's house and mowed, raked, weedeated, and totally cleaned his house. By the time we got home I was bushed and my stomach was really hurting me. I have a hernia that I need to get repaired. Sit outside until after 1am with neighbors while they ate smores and I was all loopy cause I took a couple of my pain pills for my tummy. They were lol at me cause I was in la la land. he he he
Benny: How are you doing???
Wayne: As always it was good to talk to you.
Sky: How is the walking going?? I bet your really liken it now that is has cooled off alittle.
Linda: How are you doing sweetie?? That go lighlty doesnt sound too good. But I hear I does the trick. YUCK!!
I hope you all have a good day. Remember to Sign Craig' surgery page if you havnet done so already. I will post again soon.
Love ya'll
My's called, Joseph's Sugar Free Syrup. ALLLLL his things are tast-EE
Here is a cheap place to buy it online, but I always bought it at "Cost Plus World Market"...this really kewl bazzar type store in Atlanta, and other places like Pier One.
That website it's $2.52...I think I paid, $3.99....BEST EVER, you would want to carry on vacation with you I PROMISE. It is DIVINE on sweet potato
Good Afternoon Jan and Everyone!!!
Yesterday was a busy and tiring day didn't get a chnce to post a hello. You know as time gets closer seems like there is more to be done even though you think you may have everything covered. Continuing in prayer for Craig today and for everyone, I woke up this morning feeling like I ran a marathon race yesterday. Sundays are usually very busy for me with church activities and all, also being unable to get around as well as I want causes me lots of concerns and pain, so on Monday I'm usually very sore and not wanting to do much so I'm just going to write on my book today and stay quiet. but I guess I need to exercise more and ge in the habit so I'll be able to move.
Linda: Girl it's getting clooooooooossssseee now
Jan: Counting those days now and have been keeping you in my prayers also could it be nerves as to why you are vomiting? I know right now my nerves are working overtime.
Brenda: I love your sense of humor (First Lady) and I love to laugh and be happy even though there are things that try to make us sad, BUT GOD
To Everyone: God bless you all and keep you is my prayer, Jan is so good about remembering everyone, and everything about what's going on, she is a wise and caring woman. I may not post that often but I enjoy reading what's happening and it helps me know what to pray for where you all are concerned.
Colette: I will say it again "Thank you", for if it had not been for you I would not know Dr. Hornbostel, I am so grateful to you and God for that, I am praying for your husband too, I know how dear they are.
You all have a great and blessed day!
Barb T. in KC.
Good Evening Colette!
I just read your post and I want you know that it will be my pleasure to meet you and Jan. When you see Craig tell him "HELLO" we're thanking God for his successful recuperation for me.
Have a great evening, looks like you're going to be busywith all of us newbirths, there are
' s all over this board I'm realizing and seeing daily
Barb T. in KC
Ok Ok Ok!! It is confession time. LOLOLOLOL
I was telling the truth to you all - it was a big jug, And it was the nastiest , most awful thing I ever had to drink. I used chasers of colke to get it down!!!. I never mentioned on this board about how awful it was and the explosion it caused me to have. (enough details). In fact it was so awful that in the recovery room, when doc came over to see me - I was wide enough awake and I said"doc, I have a question?"
Have you ever had to drink that stuff, it was awful. He said yes several times and he turned his back and walked off. I am sure he was smiling. LOL.
I am glad it got changed for all of you and you just have one bottle to drink. But Sky and I had the white jug. It still makes me want to throw up. (excuse my graphics) I did more than that. I felt a volcano explode.
Praise the Lord for Craigs safe surgery today. Now he just needs to recuperate. Thank you Jan for the update.
And to everyone else on this board, thank you for all your posts. You make my day. Just wish I could meet all of you. I will be meeting all the ones who have surgery in Sedalia. It is my mission to come see each of you whether you like it or not. LOL. Gods blessings to each of you. Colette
I just got to tell you this, some extreme graphic's yes, but so funny!!
My husband was going to get his first colonoscopy.
He had never taken go-litely or the gallon jug you were talking about.
We had, had trouble with our septic system ,the day before he was to start taking the
"GO" prep.
He thought he had gotten it fixed, the toilet was flushing just fine.
Wellllllllll! let me tell you when the prep kicked in the toilet quick flushing!!!
Now what to do? We live out in the country at least 5 miles to the closest toilet!!!!
Now you know when you take this stuff, when you gotta go, YOU GOTTA GO!!!!
So needless to say my husband was getting desperate, it was dark outside and he
was in no shape now to start working on the septic system again!!
Well my husband is a maintenance man and is quick to figure out a fix for a problem.
He took a five gallon bucket and screwed a toilet seat onto it and took some pipe and
made a toilet paper holder to set beside it.
He came in from the back yard with a smile on his face and was very satisfied with his
And then all night long I heard the back door opening and closing!!!!
But my husband was happy!
I know this is not usually a story you would tell in mixed company, but after all the talk
on the board today I just couldn't resist it.