Saturday Whats Happening.
Good morning Missouri. My the board has really been busy yesterday and last night. New people on too. That makes me so happy to see how active the board has become. You should check out some of the other state boards they are about as exciting as luck warm water. Lol
Well I was so tired last night that I went to bed at 9 pm which is really rare for me and then woke up wide awake at 1am. I was stiff and hurting from laying the same way too long. I don't even remember my hubby coming to bed. He was watching wrestling and that bores me but I guess some of the things I like to watch bore him .
I have a sore throat this morning ,glands swollen up and everything. Wonder if it is part of the wasp sting , surely not this late. Probably more all that wind blew something in that I am allergic to yesterday evening. We really had some strong winds but no rain , none, nada, nil, zero. Got dark, thundered, and even saw some lightening but not a drop of rain fell. But the air did cool down about 30 degrees. It went from 102 down to 75 so that was a pleasant relief. Took longer to do it though since we didn't have any rain.
Well the countdown begins for several of us that post here on the board. Seems like it starts with Craig's surgery in a way.
Craig: We are holding you up in prayer and want you to know that a lot of people love you and hope for only the best for you.
Sky: your walk this morning should be a lot nicer. Don't run up on any skunks. I am really proud of you and your walking. How far were you able to walk before you had surgery? And how much were you able to start with after surgery. I know I keep wondering how am I going to walk 3 days after surgery when I cant do much now.
Andrew: you bet you fellow I certainly will let you know when I plan on bringing my hubby to see Elephant Rocks. There may be nicer places but it is just one of those places that I use to go to a lot when I was a kid and teenager and want to share. Hope to be able to climb all over the park one day soon.
So you and Craig have this thing with Sponge Bob?? LOL that is funny. Since we are sort of like sponges too, soak up all the foods and everything and have swelled up , now we are having surgery and going to dry out . Lol
Colette: So glad your daughter was safe in the St. Louis area the other night. That was a pretty bad storm I think. Did your daughter get her surgery date yet?
Hope Mel is doing well and you get good results from the mri soon. The cooler weather should make everyone feel better. Glad you all got some rain on your gardens.
Barbara: Hope your husband doesn't put his health at risk waiting for surgery. But I guess he and his surgeon have discussed all of that and it is really sweet of him to want to wait until after your surgery and you are all better before he has it done. Great guy. I hope you let him know how much you appreciate his concern and caring.
I know I get remiss about telling my sweetie how much I appreciate him once in a while.
Lana: I sent you the squash recipe .We about ate the whole thing last night for supper.
Wow I bet you were really relived about the lower temps in your office yesterday weren't you. When you get a chance send me the recipe for your dish you were talking about.
Yes we have to give God all the glory for everything .
Brenda: loved the little poem about spell checker. That was funny. I don't mind people making fun of me and some of my spelling problems that even spell checker doesn't catch . Like they say all it can do is see that the word is spelled right not that you might have the wrong word in there in the first place. I guess I need a copy writer too. Lol
Deanna: Hope your son and brother enjoyed the ball game last night. So I guess they are off to go fishing today? Will you be glad to get back home or are you enjoying your vacation too much.
Glad your mother is doing ok after the neighbor checking on her for you.
Melissa: Sure sounds like you got way to hot and too much sun. It can happen to anyone anytime when you have high temps like we have had. Also after the wls you get dehydrated real easy since you cant guzzle water like you use to do. So try to keep hydrated . Sounds like you have a great weekend planed. Melissa do you know David's wife's name?
There are a lot of David and --------- in the Branson phone book and I don't want to call all of them to see how he is doing. I am really worried about him. Does anyone have know of anyway to find out about him?
I am at a loss .
Enjoy this weekend and the cooler weather.It probably wont last but we can enjoy it while we have it.
Good Moooooorrrrrrrrrnnning Missouri!!!
My goodness it's so niceeee outside. I got up about 5:30am and let the dogs out and couldnt believe how nice it was, the humidity seems to have calmed down some too. I hope it stays like this for awhile. It was really nice taking my walk too.
Jan you silly thang, your sleep schedule has gone to pot lol Sure hope once you have surgery you can actually get a good nights rest. My wife is like you, she wakes up in the middle of the night all stiff and sore from laying there and gets up, come mid afternoon if she's home she's napping cuz its caught up to her. Yesturday we had storms here too but no rain. I was in Fredericktown and started home, it was 91 according to the car temp gauge, by the time we got home it had dropped to 78, we're 22 miles from there, and the wind was blowing so hard I had a hard time keeping it straight on the road. I just knew we were gonna get a big thunderstorm with all the lightning and thunder and wind, but like you, nada, nuttin, no rain, zilch, I was like sheeeeeesh, all that work the clouds did and they didnt give us any rain, ai yi yi lol. Yesssssssssssssssssss Craig and I are sponge bob fans LoL Didnt you know that SPONGE BOB RULEZ!!! LOL We'll always been kids at heart!!!!!!! Jan its funny you mention looking at some of the other state boards, last night I was doing that too and found that alot of the boards are plain dead, not much activity at all. I thought, wow, people are so missing out on wonderful friendships....I feel so blessed to be apart of the Missouri Board, its so awesome and inspiring here.
Craigggggg buddy, it's almost here dude.....woohoo, just remember everyone here is praying for yaaa. You besure to have a safe trip up there and back. God's with ya all the way bud!!!!!
Melissa.....Elephant Rocks is a small State Park near where I live here. It's made up of these HUGE granite rocks, it has a short trail that climbs up to the top of this lil mountain thats made up of all these granite rocks, it really is purdy....its a small park but really niceeeeee.
Well I better get some things done this morning, hope everyone enjoys this cooler weather today. Ya'll have a grrrrrrreeeeaaaaaaaaattttttt weekend!!!!
Bless ya's!!
Good Morning Everyone
Hope everyone is having a good day. It is so nice out after all that heat. Yes it does make my walk a lot nicer. Even the deer I see every morning seem to be in a better mood now that it has cooled off. LOL
Jan as far as my walking, before surgery I could hardly make it to the mail box and back. That is not very far just down one small hill and up another. When I got home from surgery I could only walk up the road a little ways. Not even half a block. Then I just kept going a little further and once I made it half way around the first block I knew the rest of the way was almost all down hill. I added the 2nd block as I was making it around the first block a lot faster and I knew we are supposed to try and walk 30 min. The first block used to take me more than 30 min. and now I am starting to get both blocks done in less than 30 min. that is why I was thinking about adding some more to it. LOL But my Dh says this is not the time of year to be doing that with the heat and all the city people down. Most of the city people are nice but there are a few who are far from being Christians if you know what I mean. Oh well not my place to judge, I just don't understand why some people think because they are down at the lake they can do anything they want. I know a lot of the same things they do here they would never do where they live.
And I'm sorry if I offended anyone by saying city people. That's just what we call people from the city in these parts. I don't mean anything bad about it and hope I didn't upset anyone.
Well hope you all have a wonderful weekend. God Bless You All.
Take care,
Oh and welcome to all the new people on the board. Glad to see you all here. Jump right in and have fun.
Good Morning everyone!
Well sorry for the following bad news!! We got the rain here that you did not get!!LOL. Also the nice change in temperature. Oh, it was a lovely day between the sprinkles yesterday during the day. We did get a good rain through the night Thursday and friday morning.
Not much news here. No word on MRI. Called the office yesterday and they said they did not recieve the results yet. Mel is feeling ok, just no pep. So we will let it in the hands of the Lord.
Going out for a walk like Sky. I live on a gravel road but it is fairly good walking. Not much traffic either.
Craig - God be with you and keep you in his care. Jan will let us know. I will see you on tuesday.
Everyone else have a great weekend. Colette
Good Morning Everyone,
Jan I know what you mean about crazy sleep patterns, I have alot of nights that I can't go to sleep until 3:00, 4:00 or 5:00 a.m. and then I might wake up about 8:00 or 9:00 a.m. from my body hurting and the pain and stiffness. Then sometimes like Andrew's wife I find myself falling asleep everytime I sit down. I have had these problems since I was diagnosed with the Fibromyalgia. Last night I didn't got to sleep until 5:00 this morning and then I had to get up about 8:00 due to my hips hurting so bad.
Melissa I hope you get to feeling better we need to watch out with the heat cause it can sneak up on you so fast.
We were like the rest of you yesterday it got real dark and looked like it was going to rain , (as my husband always says, "It looks like it could rain that whole back-end off") but that's all it did was get dark and got a whole lot cooler, it's 10:00 a.m. now and it's only 71 degrees, it feels great compared to what we have had!
Well everybody have a great day, I have got some laundry to get done today.
God Bless
Good Saturday everyone. Things here are great. Yes Jan, my brother and son enjoyed the game. I had gotten them tickets right behind home plate and it didn't hurt that the Royals won. They took off for fishing at 5:15 this morning. Couldn't believe how wide awake Cody was considering it was midnight before he went to bed last night. He was so excited about going fishing and out in the boat to boot that I think he would have been wide awake no matter what. lol Part of me will be glad to go back home but part of me is really enjoying this vacation. I do know my mom is lonely without Cody and I. We got a good soaking here Thursday night and Friday morning. Cooled things off real nice. I don't think it even hit 80* here yesterday. Made for a real nice night for Rob and Cody at the game. Mom says St. Louis got hit by real bad storms again yesterday. She did get her electricity back on though. Which is a miracle considering how many people are still without electricity. We are usually the very last people to get electricity back on. The area where I live is just a little town (about 100 houses) on the Meramec river that long ago used to be summer houses. Now we are kinda considered by most West Countians to be the "slums" of west county. It's nothing for us to be without electricity for a week or more after everyone else has theirs on. So you see my surprise when we have electricity and some of the rich people still don't have theirs. lol Well, enough complaining about Ameren. Since I probably won't be on tomorrow, I want Craig to know that I am praying for him and I know all will go great. I am so excited for all of you that are getting your surgeries in August. I know it has been a long hard road for you guys. By the way Craig and Andrew, I LOVE Spongebob Squarepants!!!!! Cody and I watch it all the time. Well, I better get moving. I want to clean my brother's house one last time before I go back home. Like I said before, I won't be on tomorrow because we have a 4:30 train to catch and we are going out to eat before we get on the train. I will be back on Monday but I will probably go back to my regular schedule of not getting on until late in the evening. Have a fantastic Sunday all!!!!!
Hey Jan and Everyone!
It's afternoon already and it looks like a nice day. Jan my guy is great and loving and seldom thinks of himself, and I do try to let him know that I appreciate all that he does for me as often as possible. I solicit your prayers for my friend, someone hit her car yesterday head on but thank God she walked away with basically only soreness, God was there with her. I'm praying for everyone to have a great day and lots of blessings.
Craig: man, only two days whoooooppppppppeeee! Praying for YOU, God bless you .
Everyone make it a great and happppppyyyyy day!
Barb T. in KC.
Jan....I took my squash and chopped it up and put it in a pot with Onions..then I put some beets in it..and chicen brother...garlic...and pepper to taste..It turned out GREAT...I should be come a chef I think can come up with some tastey low cal food if you put your mind to it..........
Thanks to everyone for your comforting words.. I love you all too......Colette see you tuesay...
Andrew and Deanna....SPONGEBOB STILL RAWKS!!!!
Melissa are you having fun vacationing?
SKY....Please come drink this citrate for me since you like it really well LOL...hehehe
Barbara...wont be much longer for you either....
LANA......where you been buddy...I think Im sorta out of it the last few days maybe I missed seeing your posts somehow im sorry....
Dont know if I'lll be back to OH until I get back after today....I will be so busy tomarrow anad we will be leaving here 6pm Tomarrow night.....IF NOT.....I"LL SEE YOU ON WHEN I GET BACK HOME FROM SEDALIA........MUCH LOVE AND GOD BLESS.......................................CRAIG LEE
Hello MY BUDS!
First off, CRAIG: May he watch over you and Keep you on MONDAY and everyday!
Okay, now....YOU Guys are not kidding, it was in the 60s here this morning
We had terrible storms last night, I am in "Dunklin COunty" and the other county of the "Bootheel" which is the area where I live in the SOUTHMOST part of Missouri that is shaped like a BOOT...get it? The other county is Pemiscot County (((the one that got the deadly tornado in March)))
Both counties were ALL over the regional and national news last night...We got the beat down...and rain, crazy winds, and today....ahhhhhhhhh it's only 80 now, it was 85 and HUMID on Wed. night around midnight.
Crazy weather I say...
I am left handed, but some how have sprung my right hand, around the thumb, and it's just killing me. Swollen and even a knot on my thumb area...
That's why I haven't been around to hear of everyone's day for the last couple, ( I THINK)
I am going to take my computer with me when I get to the hotel, I will have my buds to chat with.
I need to go back and read about Melissa....But MEL if you are out there, I am sorry your are ill my friend....please take it easy!
Craig, I'm here and will so be praying and thinking of you Monday. You are such a sweet loving man, this surgery is going to change your life. And you know who to thank for that. Jesus is the rock of our salvation. Praise Him. I wanted to share that I have the most wonderful doctor, a Christian, and I told him about an answered prayer that I've had and when he left the room he hugged me. Made me feel so good. How many doctors do that to old ladies? I can't wait for you and all the others to get to the losing side. I'll be behind you literally and in prayer. Hugs to all and Jan I'll email you the curry recipe.