More questions I need help with...
First off, I'm glad to see everyone is doing good! You go Craig!!... God is AWESOME!
I will be praying too but I don't need to tell you, to keep the faith, your full of it!!
(I meant that in a good way)
My questions are, the bracelets I saw awhile back, does anyone know if their still available? If so, where can I go to order one?
Second question, at the seminar of Dr Hornbostels, Dena was talking about us getting our PCP letter and our psych evals done, did I also here her say that we are to call Medicare to request the wls? If so, who do we ask for and what do we say exactly?
I called them before I saw Dr. Hornbostel's seminar and was told that Medicare didn't cover wls, I know better now. If I need to talk to someone I want it to be someone who knows what the heck is going on, don't ya think?
As always any advice is appreciated...Thanx in advance, Deb
Hi Deb,
For the bracelet I went on the OH site and clicked on the tab "Store" it's pink, It's up on top with the forums tab, OH Magazine tab, events tab and etc. it's all the way to the right. Then when the store opens up, on the left there is a column that says "Shop For" click on "MEDICAL ALERT" in that column it will take you to the bracelets. I purchased the sterling silver bracelet, I think it's very pretty it's looks like a very nice piece of jewely. On the back of the plate it comes already engraved "Bariatric Surgery Patient - No NG Tube". The one I got was 39.95 plus tax and shipping it came to $43.90.
I wasn't told to get a psyche eval or a letter from my PCP so After I noticed everybody talking about it on here I called Medicare and they said they didn't require it, all they required where comorbitities, not just the fact of being overweight. So I e-mailed Dena and she said she knew that Medicare didn't require it and Dr. Hornbostal didn't require it, but they recomend you get a psyche eval so to see if you are doing this for the right reasons and have a realistic view of what will happen post-op. I have tried to get in to see someone close to home and I havent been able to yet. I let Dena know and she told me not to obcess about it but just to keep trying to get an appointment before my surgery if I can.
Also when I called Medicare they said they do not pre-approve surgery, so I don't know about that accept that for myself and everyone on here that has Medicare, Dr. Hornbostal's office called Medicare for us.
I hope this helps.
Hey Deb,
So far the way it's going for me at Dr. Hornbostels office I wont have to call Medicare at all. Dena said once we have our consults and Dr. H has our letter from our PCP that Dena will submitt all that to Medicare and Medicare will send them a letter back giving the go ahead. Dr. H said at the seminar that he's never had Medicare refuse a patient yet. You shouldnt have to do anything. Just get your letter of recommendation to Dr. H and have your consult. As far as the psych eval, my PCP wrote up one saying he feels im able to make decions blah blah blah, plus my pastor wrote up one stating that I do have a place to go if I need counseling and so forth after surgery. From what people asked at the seminar about those, thats good enough since Dr. H nor Medicare require the psych eval. Anyways, hope that helps.
all of the above is correct. You just take care of forms, and PCP letter and get it to Dena. They contact Medicare and takecare of that. Mine took one week. I do think Medicare should require psyche evals on some people. I say this because some people think this is a fast cure and dont realize that after surgery, you still have to contend with the head hunger etc. For the first 6 weeks you could care less if you eat or not, but gradually appetite comes back. Choices become a must. Protein first along with vitamins etc, water and then other choices. My pouch always lets me know if I am getting too much food, and I know I cannot tolerate sugar much. I dont drink soda and when I get hungry for sweets, I have sugar free candy to suck on. Hope this has helped. Colette