Respond to Jans Post!!!
I thought I would make a post out here so I could thank everyone for their prayers and emails..Ive been swamped with them and that is NICE ..heehhe.....Ive been sitting here in tears ..TEARS OF JOY and listening to Bluegrass Gospel Music....Praising Jesus........Iam not scared at all..More nervous with excitement.....My temp is going up and down for some reason..I feel GREAT .. no infection in my trach....I feel great my temp just goes up to 100.2 and then goes back down....My neice told me last night it was probably my nerves.....and she wasnt the only one that told me that.....I took a NON Asprin tablet to keep it down.......Iam sure when I start my Mag Citrate Sunday it will go much better..........Usually clean bowels will help (blushing with embarassment)........Sky, Hugs buddy....congrats on the weight loss..iam so very proud of you....... was fun chatting with you last night on yahoo.. I can sure chat huh? LOL.....
Colette...You're such a angel.....I think you and Jan were made from the same mold.....keep on being the way you are.......Your love of God shows through.....see you on Tuesday ...If you're not busy that is....
Racheal....Hi glad to you see you posting again.....I sure have been praying for you.....hang in there...
Andrew...SPONGEBOB RULES!!!!! hehehehehe he my buddy
Sherr....I'll be thinking about you Monday Morning....
Jane...I rebuked Satan for you......Jump right back in there and keep fighting...You can do it...DO NOT GIVE UP ok?.......Me, Brenda, Linda and Jan will keep you a place on the losers bench...Dr. Pitt is a great guy....
Brenda...ALMOST TIME FOR YOU GIRL lol........are you getting excited?.....I think Jan is ......we all been like crazy thinking .. I couldnt imagine why ..could you? HEHEHEH ....
Deana.....How are you doing? keep losing that weight ok? hehe I know you can....That email you sent me about eating after surgery gave me alot of info thank you so much....
Mellssa...WHERE YOU AT BUDDY??????........I hope you had fun with your little know my neices and Nephews were all like my kids.....they sure got alot of extra spending money from me.. Of course Uncle Craig couldnt resist lol.....but my sister called me once and said you did not take these kids to raise so dont let them take advantage of you..ehhehe like that helped loll......
Elizabeth....your name reminds me of my Grandmothers she had the same name...also that Oak Ridge boys song Elizabeth..or was that the Statler brothers?
Jeff and Kathy,my family wanted me to thank you all so much for all your prayers and your love and support.....They say if it were not for you I would talk them to death LOL.......I cant help it im a talker lol you should have heard me sing when I didnt have my trach..........Well......I finished the last of my chicken today........Tomarrow I will have liquids and Jeff is going to BBQ and I think I might have a plain hamburger with my beets..YAY beets are great.....its a coinscidence but Jan and I both have a Butternut squash im having that for supper in chicken brother and onions..Ive had my meat for the day......yeah SUNDAY will be dash and run to the Bathroom day LOL.....
I'll try to post something before I leave Sunday say your prayers and Give him the praise.....................................................Craig Lee
you betcha....To God be the Glory. I cant believe you are ready to go for surgery. Looking back it hasnt been that long but from the other side when we first found Dr. H it seemed like forever. You remember? I am having to write post it notes on everything. I bought a notebook and putting all sorts of things in there from who all my husband is to call after i get out of surgery to taking extra pillows with us for the ride home.
Craig just a side note some of the people i talked to said take something that you can puke in with plastic bag liners just in case on your way home because sometimes the ride if long can get too you. take a small cooler and put some sf popscicles, and water in there for the ride home too. probably wont take much but. the popscicles help keep the nausea down i have heard. dont know on that either.
I am so excited for you ....i feel like it is my surgery too. if you make it thru then im pretty sure i will too. lol. Jan
Hey Craig,
Yes I am getting excited-nervous-scared, I guess mostly for post-op life. It's just gonna be so weird to be able to lose posbably 20 lbs in a month and know it won't be back!!!
But do you get this from people when you tell them about your surgery?
"I know alot of people that had that and gained all their weight back" And they say it like they know everything there is to know about it!! And whatever you say they don't hear you
It makes me so mad!! I quit trying to tell them that's not the norm!
Anyway got to rambling there. What I wanted to tell you is we have something other than WLS in common. I am also a singer, I sang country music for years in clubs with my dad, he played lead guitar. I play rhythm and I use to play drums. In my life now I am a blood washed born again Christian and I only sing gospel but I still play my guitar in church. I sing alot with soundtracks and I do mostly southern gospel or country gospel. I love the Crabb Family, I sing alot of their songs. Anyway god Bless You, I'm going ask for prayer for you Sunday at church when they ask for prayer requests.
Good morning special friend. Just wanted to say a few things!!!!IT IS ALMOST TIME FOR YOUR SURGERY AND I AM SO HAPPY AND EXCITED FOR YOU TOO!!!
It sure does not seem that long ago when I was standing there afterthe seminar meeting and saying I want to meet Craig and Jan. Do you remember??
On a more serious side, my prayers are daily for you. I have a little posted note on my car dash and window sill in the kitchen with all the people who are having surgery in Aug. from the Missouri forum. I will also be offering your name up in worship praise on Sunday. God will protect you and bring you through the surgery safely. You think of us when you open your eyes and realize it is over in the recovery room. Praise God!!
I will see you on Tuesday. It does not matter if I am busy or not, I will be there. The only thing that will keep me away is if something else happens to my DH. He is feeling ok now, just so weak and maybe he will even ride with me. I will be there on Tuesday afternoon. Colette