Dogs, dogs, & more dogs...
Here it is 19 days left to go till my surgery!
And I'm doggy-sitting. We have 1 dog, a Papillon 3 years old, and we're doggy-sitting for my brother and sister-in-law while they are in Colorado. They have 2 dogs. One of them is a 3-legged Wire-haired terrier and the other is a large, loving Border Collie. Everywhere I step there is a dog under my feet!
But I love it! They are all so loving and playful. Thank goodness though we live in a large house. LOL We won't be camping again until after my surgery. We'll have the dogs through the end of the month, and then we need to clean house so it's all taken care of when I come home from the hospital. Our son is flying in on Aug. 11 to be with me for a few days. That will be so great. It would only be better if our daughter-in-law and grandson could come with him.
It's real cloudy and thundering here. I has also rained a little bit, but it quit too soon. The wind is really blowing strong, too. Hope you all have a cool day and I wish God's richest blessings on you all!
Good morning Linda!
Yes it is getting close and it's so exciting to know that in a just weeks now we'll be on the Loser Side yiiiiiippppppeee lol, Craig is in a feww days now, and we follow soon. What a good feeling just to know that God is with us in this journey and that His eyes is in every place woooooohoooo. God bless all the August newborns and those that will follow soon. Keeping you in my prayers, please keep me in yours, and have fun with those doggies, my daughter had a Maltese that I dog sit with every now and then, when she brings him over he acts liike he's really happy to see me, he is so sweet and loves to cuddle. Well trying to figure out what I'm going to do today, stay coool.
Barb T. in KC
Linda your surgery is so close now and I won't be far behind you,
I love dogs I have a miniature poodle, her name is Gracie & a long haired chihuahua, her name is Mattie. Sometimes they are the only thing that keeps me going.
I wi**** would rain here and cool things off a bit.
Have a great day.
lets see it is Craig, Linda, Barbara, Me, Brenda. who am i leaveing out?
My brother has a small little dog that when he goes places he brings him down for me to doggie sit and the little fellow hits my door running and jumping and comes and jumps in my lap and runs around and around like a little fool. But after about 2 days he is acting so lonesome for my brother . He acts so sad then that i spend all my time loving on him then.
when he hears my brothers truck he acts like a little manic again. lol
It is getting cloudy here and the wind is blowing. only 94 , yesterday at this time it was already 100
hope we get that rain too Brenda. Jan