Wednesday Whats Happening
I am still not giving up hope, I still wonder if there is a policy there that covers it or why would the insurance lady at work tell my husband it did and that I had to have a medical necessity? I could be wrong, probably just holding onto false hope but you never know.
I can't refinance my house I just did that to buy my business. Dena said if I did that and had the surgery if I had complecations my insurance probably wouldn't cover and I could be financially devistated.....But then again there are worse things than being bankrupt, like being too fat to enjoy my life. Anyway tomorrow I have a very slow day at work, I may take some time and call his work and see if I can talk to the person in charge of insurance and see if she can do some checking for me.
Jan: our forcast says mid 80's for Saturday, sounds lovely!!!
Craig: I live in Sedalia, let me know if you need anything, or would like me to visit you in the hospital. Good Luck!!
Oh Jan, I'm being spell checker again, I can't help it and honestly I don't spell well at all, and hate it when people point out my errors, but yours was just sooooooooooooooo funny, lol You crack me up
You asked Brenda "Would it be too for you to come to Springfield on your way home and then go across ?" And I'm just picturing poor Brenda trying to "hold it" all the way to Springfield, maybe because there aren't a lot of potty stops on the way from Sedalia to Springfield lol. Sorry Jan that just made me laugh lol
I shouldn't have said anything but I just couldn't contain myself. I almost peed my pants
BTW Springfield is about 2 1/2 hours from Sedalia.