Sorry I have not pos...
Sorry I have not posted for a while but I have been sick in the hospital. Lucky me I felt bad last weekend and went to er to check my pacemaker and they said it was fine and sent me home. I went to work last Monday and passed out and ended up back in the er via the ambulance. I guess from Sunday night to Monday the bootom lead to my pacemaker puched a hole in my hear and they did not figure that out until Tuesday when they went to drain my lung which had fluid. the fluid turned out to be blood so they rused me to er on the 4 of July, They had to do open heart surgery to find I had the hole in the heart from the pacemaker. So I have had losts of fun in the hospital and just got out today. Will post more tom but I am alive which is a wonder anymore for me.
David ..
I have been wondering where you were at.... oh gosh...kiddo I am SO thankful to the good Lord that he was watching over you...((hugs))....
I am so sorry that you are having a hard go of it lately.... but so incredibly thankful that you were able to have prompt medical attention for it... please do keep us posted and let us know how you are doing!
I am so sorry to hear that you have been put thro the mill lately. WOW!!! I didnt even dream you was having problems. I thought maybe the puppies ate you or something. I am so glad to hear your on the road to recovery. You will be in my prayers. Let us know how your doing and make sure you rest.
God Bless
Thanks for posting and hopefully you'll feel better very soon!! I know you can't make it to tomorrow nights meeting but, I sure miss seeing you there. I have missed a few here lately myself. Take it easy and get plenty of more tomorrow and let us know how you're doing. Does your wife ever get online to post?? Please ask her to post a little note the next time you're so sick. We all worry about you!!
Take care and hugs,