Hello all. Wake up sleepyheads...What did you all do this weekend? We made lists..yeah lists. We also replanted 80 some odd iris, replanted a cherry tomato plant from out of a pot that was getting way too little, potted up some house plants that needed to go in bigger pots. And power washed the guest cottage aka trailer. Also got a reservation at the Bunkhouse Lodge in Lincoln for the night before my surgery in August and also for Joe the 2 nights afterwards. I told him I would need about 3 or 4 pillows to prop around me to ride home in the truck with. don't know how I am going to get up in that thing after having surgery. Bring a step with me I guess. Lol
Going tomorrow to buy paint for the guest house. Will be glad to get it all painted on the outside .will make it look so much better. We are painting it to match our house. White with green trim will put a green metal roof over it one day soon I hope.
Colette: thanks again for the invite to stay at your house. I did find a motel to stay at in Lincoln. That is only about 38 miles south of Sedalia on 65 so it shouldn't take too long to get there from there. I bet you had fun with you granddaughter Saturday didn't you? It is so much fun to help them get things like that .
Rachael: You don't know what is causing your pain? Sorry you are hurting so badly. Will add you to my prayer list if that is alright with you.
Sherr: good to see you on here again. Im a bird watcher too. I have several bird baths, feeders, and lots and lots of plants that they like in my backyard garden. Glad you have joined us. don't know if you are the baby of the grou*****t. You babys can let her know that or not.
Nana Linda: How old is Allison? I bet you were worn completely out weren't you but at least you could do it. I wont even attempt to care for a little one right now. I have a great grandson that I would love to have over but he isn't quite one and I couldn't begin to care for him.
Did you get the email I sent you on the care and feeding and planting of the Iris? They are really an easy plant to care for once you have planted them .
Brenda: there was nothing in Sedalia when I looked. Finaly hit on the idea to have Sky send me places in Warsaw. That is about 45 minutes away. She sent me a list and there was one in Lincoln which is about 30 minutes away. Called and got a room. We wont stay over night on pre op day. We don't have to be there until 11 so it wont be too bad. It is about a 3 to 3 ½ hour trip .I know it will be bad enough when they release me after surgery tho. How are you going to make that long drive home?
Oh yeah , I remember where Ironton is . We lived outside of Fredericktown most of my life. When I was real young we lived in Mill Creek, then move to Fredericktown, then out of town again to an area on Castor River, called Spring Valley. My dad and mom would buy places and fix them up and sell them at a big profit. That is the reason we moved a lot .
I think the medical team should have a couple rooms reserved all the time some where for out of town patients. They would be reserved at the normal rate too. We could pay for them they just should have them blocked off for us.
Have a great Monday everyone. See you on the flip side. Jan
I am so happy you found a room. And you may want to ask the Dr. about that long ride home. I know he said that we would have to stop every couple of hours going to MD so I can walk some. And it will have been a month since my surgery. He said he doesn't want me sitting in the truck for that many hours without getting out and walking around the truck three or four times if nothing else. So for all you that live more than an couple hours away you may want to ask him about your ride home. We didn't do a whole lot this weekend. I did get to spend some time with my sister, which was nice. Other than that it was just about the same ole same ole. LOL
I hope everyone has a wonderful week. Take care and may God Bless and Keep each and every one of you.
Hi, Jan.
Glad you found a room close to Sedalia. Too bad you can't take in the State Fair but what you are going to do is so much more exciting. We had a fairly quiet weekend. Went to the gym Saturday morning then came home, went to Panera Bread for lunch and then on to Sam's Club for some meat. I decided to cook some stuff so I wouldn't have to do much this week so I made pot roast and shredded beef and we grilled some chicken breasts. Sunday afternoon I went to Walmart to get the few things we don't get at Sam (quantities too big). Intended to have a lazy afternoon but DH had some typing he wanted me to do and by the time I got that done it was dinner time. These weekends go by much too fast. Next week is the Fourth of July and I have taken Monday, the third so I'll have a four day weekend. Having a cookout for my neighbors and hoping my best friend from North Missouri can come down. We're playing it by ear as her husband had surgery so it depends on how he feels.
Have a wonderful rest of the day.
Jan, I'm sure glad you got a room finally, isn't that part the pits. With us living 5 1/2 to 6 hour drive from Sedalia we have to stay over night on pre-op day. But I just thank the Lord we have had the money to make all the trips. With the hotel price and the price of gas it's starting to add up. I'm with you on having a place for the overnight patients and family to stay. Even if they charged a small fee it would be better than paying a pumped up price due to the hotels taking advantage of the people that are coming to the State Fair. I have 52 more days, seems like a long time but I know it will go fast because it seems like yesterday it was the first of June!
Jan, thank you so much for the prayers for my brother. He got through the test today and is doing great. When they got into the heart, there were no blockages at all. In fact they said it was really pretty clear! I know it had to be all the prayers for him! Thanks so much. He has to go on a low cholesterol diet, but that's a lot better than surgery. We had a wonderful weekend. Got to camp and have dinner Saturday night with friends and went to Warrenton on Saturday morning to the outlet mall. I went to the Kitchen Connections store and found a cup to use for my protein drinks. It has a spinner in it that helps the powder mix thoroughly when you shake it with the milk. It has marks on the side so you can measure out the liquid. I got 2 for the house and 1 for the motorhome. Time is flying by--only 44 more days till surgery!
Have a great evening and God bless...
Hello Missouri Roomies: :-p
Man is this a lot to take in :-o Hope everyone is doing well. Just came in from watering my flowers/shrubs....
I have been gone from MO for 20 years, and when I left I was super skinny, so I am not used to the heat we've had since this NORMAL?
Today is NICE :-D 80s and low humidity, I think that happens ONCE a year here :-@
Darn it.
Well, that simple task killed my hands, if I could just use my feet for tasks LOL....
Okay, who am I kidding, like I am EVEN that LIMBER???
I see everyone that is a "regular" is JUST ABOUT to have their surgery....that is great for you and great for can let us Super Newbies know what to expect...that's like
See ya tomorrow
Working today was a lot easier than taking care of Allison, who is 16 months old. What a character!
I have been trying to straighten something out for my mother with an insurance company since December. I finally won the battle today. It made me feel great. They finally took the action they should have taken a long time ago. With any luck, it means Medicaid will pay for the last six weeks my dad was in a nursing home. I felt so good when they gave in and did the right thing. It didn't cost the insurance company a dime. They even admitted in writing that they had made a mistake. Wow!!
Hello Jan,
A little late in the day to answer but I was at work and then I went to the doctor...He put me on a new medication for nerve pain and is going to due an MRI of my brain. Just keep me in your prayers...I have a very high pain tolerance but when your pain stays at an eight out of ten constantly if gets a little depressing....
hopefully soon we will be able to get to the bottom of this....
Thanks in advance