My good friend the Nashville Recording Artist...
Iam so happy I get to visit with a good friend I grew up with weekend after next....She is now 6 time Female Vocalist in the International Bluegrass Association....She is now up for #7 we are so proud of her...Her name is Rhonda Vincent and her band is the Rage......I got to see her last year and sit and talk to her for almost an hour before she was whisked away to go on stage....She is from Greentop Missouri and lives in Kirksville, Missouir while she is not on tour...Her website is if you all would like to take a look at it......Craig Lee
Elizabeth...When Rhonda went to college for awhile her parents kept going with their Sally Mountain Bluegrass band and got a girl from Champaign Illinois to take Rhonda's place..she looked sorta like Rhonda and sang like her and even wore Rhonda's was Allison....Then Allison went on to winning awards and then by that time Rhonda was ready to come back....All those 6 years of winning female vocalist Allison gave her the award..It was awesome I listened to it on Sirus Radio and cried the whole time...Its like it came in a full circle..How cool to have a good friend to give you an award....Rhonda is just a very sweet person....Craig Lee
Rhonda V. is THE BOMB...I love her....I caught a few moments of her a couple of months ago, and then last week she was on Public Broadcasting. I absolutely love her!!!
Funny thing, I have always been a lover of music. I'd like to think I like most all styles, but I have lived in Atlanta for 15 years, and really love Hip Hop, and Jazz and R&B...etc...leaning that way as my favorite for soooo long...
Moving back to Southeast Missouri recently drew my "ear" to Country, and I like most people think of Ricky Scaggs or Allison Krause when we think of Bluegrass...
But Rhonda is FANTASTIC....she has one song that just makes me weep. I am going to ask for her CDs at Christmas, and hope my family will get them for me!