Whats Happening : MONDAY
Well I went to bed early again last night. I don't know what is going on with me But by 8 pm the last few nights I am dead to the world. Was in bed last night at 9pm which is really early for me but here it is 2 am and I'm awake now. So thought I would say hi to all of you now since I will probably go back to bed here in a little bit and when we get up the next time we will be leaving for the day. We are going over to see my youngest daughter this morning. She has finally gotten back to work and is off today , so thought we would go see how she is doing. She lives in Holiday Island Ark, that is real close to Eureka Springs. Then the meeting is tonight so will do this early. We had a great time yesterday with the Great niece, She is 5 and swims like a fish. She has never had a day of being afraid of the water at all. She taught herself how to swim. She is a character, can you tell I adore her? Lol She starts kindergarten this year so she and I set a date to go shopping for her school supplies and back pack and a new outfit for the first day of school. We always have lots of fun when we go on our shopping trips.
Lana: Yes a good disposition which is certainly a gift from God does and has gotten me thru lots of hard times. My husband says that I am one of the few people he knows that when life gives you lemons, not only makes lemonade but opens up a lemonade stand and tries to sell it to everyone else. Lol. I am really thankful to God that this is a gift that he gave me because I'm like you it has taken me thru some really rough times in my life that knock you for a loop for awhile but then you realize that Hey it wasn't the worst that could happen so you dust yourself off and get back up to fight again. See you tonight.
Nana Linda: Wow those little ones can sure zap you in a hurry cant they. Makes you grateful that at certain ages God said that is too old to have kids doesn't it ? LOL. Your trip to Northern Mexico sounds really lovely. Don't know where we will go this year on vacation. We usually go south in the winter sometime either on a cruise or to the southern U.S. In the summer it is hard to go off and leave my flowers for too long. Last year we were gone the whole month of Feb. We went on a cruise to Jamaica , Grand Caymans and Mexico and then spent time in La. And Texas. We spent a week at Tan-tar-a about 3 years ago . Had a great time.
Sky: you sound like you are doing so great. You really had us all worried when your surgery didn't go as planned but I think we must really have a good doctor that knows what he is doing evidently. Make the ones of us yet to have surgery feel good to know.
Keep up the good work about walking. Before you know it you will be increasing that amount and be walking all over the place. Isn't it wonderful to be able to do that now. I am so proud of you as I know everyone else is too. Wish you were closer so we could see you at our meetings in Springfield.
Brenda: I always love seeing your smiling face when you answer a post. I now have 63 days 3 hours and 38 minutes till surgery how about you.? Glad you haven't fell off your wheels. Lol the time I did it sure took awhile to get back up . I was sort of like a beached whale ,rolling around trying to find something to get hold of to help pull myself up.
You make me homesick for Elephant Rock Park. My husband has never been there so after we have surgery maybe next spring we will have to meet there and you and I can go climbing over the rocks ourselves. Wouldn't that be great. Anyone who hasn't been there needs to go. It is an experience. Maybe we could all meet there and climb them.
Benny: get well. Hope you feel like coming to the meeting tonight but don't pu**** if you don't there will be another one you know. Just get well now.
Craig: glad you finally got that computer fixed. We have been missing you on here.
Melissa. Will see your smiling face tonight . Did you get too much sun yesterday and enough exercise in your pool. Every day that we go down to the lake I spend all my time in the water exercising and doing range of motion that I can't possible do on dry land.
Tracey: Good to see you once again. Good luck on the book tour. Cant wait to get your latest book and read it. For all of you not acquainted with Tracey's work she writes religious fiction. . And is a noted author. Her books can be found at any Christian book store or Christian Book club. Hey Tracey is that enough of a plug LOL
For anyone else that didn't post this week end will see you tonight at the meeting. Can't wait to meet several of you. Jan
Good morning
I am sitting here waiting for the sun to get up so I can go on my walk. We have to many wild critters to walk in the dark. I have done it a lot but I always took my hound dog with me and I can't do that right now cause if she pulls it would be way more than 10 lbs on my stomach and I am not going to take a chance of pulling something lose. She's a really great dog but she is an old coonhound and we have a lot of coon around here and she has been trained to go after them and she does. Our yard is all fenced in and yet once in a while a coon will get in the yard and she will tree it or kill it if she get a hold of it. There are also a lot of skunks around and I just don't feel like smelling like that right now. LOL So I have made my walk time 6 am.
It sounds like you all are going to have a really good meeting tonight. I guess for us northerners we have ours tomorrow night. LOL And it sound like you are going to have a busy fall Jan, school supply shopping and surgery. Wow sound fun. LOL But you know I do think we have an excellent Dr. shoot I can't believe how good I feel. It's hard to believe it hasn't even been two weeks yet.
Benny I hope and pray you get to feeling better. And Craig it is good to see you back online. And I hope everyone else is doing well. Take care and God Keep and Bless each and every one of you.
Good Morning everyone!!!
Just a quick note to say Good Morning and cant wait to see everyone this evening at the meeting. I am off and running got several errands this morning. And I got a late start already (grrrr). I hope everyone has a good day.
Jan: I hope you have a safe trip to see your daughter.
Sky: I emailed you yesterday. Looking foward to your replys
Craig: Glad to see you back on line. R U going to be at the meeting tonight??
Benny: I hope your feeling well enough to come this evening.
Nana Linda: So glad to see you back for awhile. Have a wonderful time on your trip. Take alots of photos
Tracey: Good Luck on your book tour. Looking foward to reading your new books.
Brenda: I like your jokes that was a cute one today.
Cathy: I hope your gonna be at the meeting tonight. I sure have missed your smiling face!!!
Love ya
Hi Jan,
I sent you an email but not sure you will get it or know how to contact me if you want to. I was asking you what is going on in Mtn. Home in July. I live near there and am looking for support & info. I'm still in process of finding COE hospital & doctor for a lap band and not having much luck. My first choices were Little Rock or St. Louis but struck out there. (LR is not COE & St.L does not accept Medicare) I appreciate any & all help.
Hey Jan I'm hoping as time goes by that smiling face will get smaller and smaller .....
I know what that beached whale feeling is!
That would be great if we could meet at elephant rock!
I wanted to ask the regular posters on here if anyone would mine if I send e-mail stuff to your inbox? I have a joke now (this one is for the girls - sorry guys) I wanted to post it on here but it's got a lot of great pictures on it and I don't know how to get the pictures into this message box. So if no one has objections I like to e-mail stuff.
I do the weekly bulletin at church and have a lot of good jokes, stories and quotes. The ones without pictures I'll post here. Thanks Everyone. Later
P.S. Hope you all have a great meeting tonight!
P.S.S. Has anybody heard from Lia Watson ? I haven't seen her on here lately
After work today, I went to a WLS support group meeting. With one thing and another, I haven't been in a while. There are two support group meetings here in Columbia, and this is the first time I've been to this one. It was good to know I am not the only one who is afraid they will re-gain all the weight we lost.
I hope your meeting tonight was good. After the day you have had, you should be able to sleep straight through tonight. I haven't been to Eureka Springs in years. I used to love to go there. I live lots closer now, and I never seem to make it.
Hope you had a great day!!