Chris from New Start Called today!
Chris called me today and told me that everything looks great she has it all ready and is going to give it to Dr. Richardson on Tuesday. She said that if he signs off on it I will know by Wed.!!! WOW!!! things are really moveing along now. Once he signs off on it all I have to do is wait for the Insurance final approval.... Please keep me in your thoughts that this will happen.. Fingers crossed!
She did say I have to completely quit smokeing or they will not do the surgery. So guess what. I threw away my last pack today! I was already down to 5 a day which I thought was really great considering i was smoking almost 2 packs a day! So when she told me this i chucked them right out into the outside garbage can! So I am doing everything I have to do to make this happen. I want a better me! a healthier me!
Thanks Shelly,
She didnt tell me how long just that I had to stop or they wouldnt do it. Im sure she will tell me on wed if it comes back that the surgen approves me. But since this morning I havent had 1. I threw that pack right out into the garbage outside lol. Good Luck with the Tummy Tuck!
Thank you for your nice words.. It is amazing how fast things go and then they slow and pick right back up again. Like life its a roller coaster!
Wow, that sounds GREAT. When did you start the process?? I am just now comparing information and things. You are in Imperial, I am in Oakville. So we are pretty close in living areas.
Can you tell me anything about your journey so far? What should I do first, and what to expect along the way?
Congratulations on your possible date being set and I hope you find out SOON!!
Ok guys and gals I have been smoking since I was 7 years old. I had older sisters who thought if they taught me to smoke I couldn't or wouldn't tell on them for doing it. Well they were right. LOL Anyway I am 44 now so you do the math on how long I've been smoking cause I don't even like to think about it. Anyway I quit on May 31st. Had my last puff at 11:59pm.
Yep the night before surgery. LOL Well they said my lungs were in pretty bad shape. I haven't had a smoke since. It has not been easy not at all. I still miss my smokes. But my DH has stopped smoking too. He said he did it for me so it wouldn't be so hard on me. He is a very special man. Anyway if I can give them up after all those years they you can do it too.
I know its different for everyone. Just because some can stop by throwing it out the window or some by using the patch..doesnt mean everyone is the same. I havent had a smoke since yesterday afternoon. I have been chewing gum. my DH got me some totsie roll pops and a whole bunch of gum. so i will do this.. i have to do this!.. It was so hard this morning. i was yelling at everyone. Broke down into tears several times. I called my mom and she was on the phone while me DH and i started arguen. She said jai.. just remember if u didnt just quit smoking you would just be making off the wall comments to him and smileing... its because you quit hun. u got to let the attitude go. ... Well i broke into tears again and sat and thought. and you know what she was right. so i appologized to him and to her and i started chewing more gum lol. I also got myself away from the computer and away from the tv and started doing other things. That seemed to help as i associate sitting at my desk with lighting up. so thanks everyone for your awesome comments and opinions. hugsssssss...