What I've learned
Looking back on the past year, I have learned, sometimes the hard way, things that have helped me and might help you in your journey.
Dumping is not fun. Don't try something to see if it "might" happen; it probably will.
It will take a while before your eyes will catch up to your body. You'll still look fat to yourself while others comment on your weight loss.
Learn to accept compliments. This was very hard for me.
Set small goals and reward yourself. A new top, a good book, something that is not food related.
It's OK to cry and be frustrated in the beginning. After all, you have lost your main defense mechanism, binging.
Recognize the WOW moments, big or small. Crossing your legs, fitting behind the steering wheel, not using the seat belt extender, these are just a few.
Whether you are married or singke, you are not in this journey alone. Lean on those of us who have been there.
Good luck on your journey.