Went to see Sky
Just an update as I just got home from going to Sedalia after work to see Sky. She was very happy to see me, and is still sleepy. I could tell she was tired as she dozed off several times while I was there. Her husband and daughter were there.
All her husband said was they had to take a lot of her stomach and that her liver was very enlarged. He is hoping she will lose weight fast, so the liver will then shrink. Please keep her in your prayers. She still plans on going home tomorrow and has been up walking. She did tell me she could not tolerate the apple juice but was sipping water ok. Well, got to go and get my dh some supper. Colette
He did not say only that her liver was enlarged. She was sleepy and dozing in and out and had some pain meds. Hubby said (I think he said the doc said) , she will lose fast so the liver shrinks. Did not ask anymore. Her daughter may get on and post more when she gets home tonight. they did say they were going home each nite. Colette
This is, yet again, her oldest daughter.
From what my father said, they had to take 85% of her stomach out because her liver was VERY enlarged and needed room, she also had a hiatal(Most likely not spelled right) hernia in her stomach that had to be fixed. Her other hernias are around an area of her abdomen that she previously had surgery on, but according to Doctor Hornbostel, they will need to be removed once she gains the strength and such. Her lungs are also in pretty bad shape, so she's on oxygen and having breathing treatments, though we're not sure if she's going to have to remain on the oxygen(I hope not!). Yet again, I've not talked to the doctor, only reporting on what my father has told me, but he said that she should lose 75-100 pounds within the next 6 months, and then her liver should be to a normal size and she should have the strength so that they will be able to finish the surgery. I suppose it's a very good thing she had the surgery when she did, or else we probably wouldn't have found out about her liver being in the state that it is. If you have any more questions, I'll try to answer them as best I can, and I'll check the boards once in awhile. Hope everyone has a good night.