Out of Surgery
Hey everyone.
This is Skys' oldest daughter, she asked me if I could please get on here and post once I knew she was out of surgery and such. Well, my sister called a few minutes ago and said that she's out of surgery, in the recovery room, and that everything went fine. Well, I think that's about all I have to say, so I shall post this and get off her computer for awhile, though I will check back later.
Hope everyone has a great day.
Hey everyone,
This is Skys' oldest daughter again, just thought I would get on here and tell every that my sister didn't quite have the whole story when she called. When the doctor got into her stomach he found 6 hernias total in her stomach, that her liver was too large (and maybe something else, but I can't remember exactly what my father said when he got home and I don't want to upset him by asking), and that her lungs were messed up. He ended up taking 85% or so of her stomach out
(Which is not what was planned at all) and she'll have to go back in about 6 months to finish her surgery properly. All of this has her in kinda poor spirits and any prayer for her would be very appreciated.
Aside from that, I gave her all your messages just a few minutes ago when I called her and will continue to check back once in awhile, though we're going to see her tomorrow afternoon. She still plans on coming home on Sat. but until then, it'll be me doing the posting I suppose, when something needs posted.
Thanks for your time.