Please Pray for MOM and I.
Please pray that we make it to DR Hornbostels office , its about 3 to 4 hour drive.
I had a new car a 05 chevy malibu but my dad needed a truck and my car was in his name and i knew i was going to have this surgery and i had payments of 282 a month plus ins of 60 dollars a month , so i needed to get out of them anyway. so dad traded my car in on his truck and got me a 93 pontiac boniville ,, i have had it for about a month now and it seems to be doing ok , please pray we dont breakdown to and from my drs visit ,, we would take dads truck but it has a v8 and is a gas hog so were going in my car ,, thanks for your support very much on my last post and for being here love benny love you all!!! oh were leaveing to go wensday morning at 10 am cant wait to get this part over with. good night all and God Bless!