Words of Encouragement!!!!!
I recently encountered some negative feedback with some friends and family members.While most of them are all happy for me and backing me up,I had some that were negative.This is what I told them:
Nobody else has to live with my weight, nobody else has to live with my discomfort, nobody else has to have the health issues I may already have or eventually will have, and nobdy has to look in the mirror and be upset by what they see.Bottom line is I'am looking to do this for myself and I'am doing this so I can live a longer healthier life with my family, but again this is for me. I'am the one that needs to change my habits.I'am the one that needs to change my lifestyle all these people that are telling me no and not to do it are not the ones I need to listen to.Iam going to listen to myself. and never second guess myself...I'am going to move forward.Telling others rather it be friends, family, Its nice to let them all know. But, I don't need their approval, though I'd like their understanding. Try and get to the point where I'am excited, positive and unchangeable about the surgery. They'll have no choice but to be supportive. And if they don't, well, they'll see why I did it a few months after surgery!!!
It says in the bible, that satan will try to discourage you and make you blind of things that are good. It says to rebuke him in Jesus's name, he has to flee.
Never put a question mark where the Lord has already put a period.
Good for you Craig for being able to stand up to them. I chose to NOT tell my family untill just before my date as I knew I'd encounter neg. attitudes as well. AFTER, they found out, tears were shed, mine and theirs. They were AFRAID I would die. I felt 100% at ease with my choice and I knew it was the only thinking that would help ME to live a longer healhtier life. It's tough for family to support this sometimes. It's like they expect you to figure out how to LOSE the weight without such drastic steps. Well we've all been there, done that, and we KNOW this is our LAST option. I hope that once you get past the surgery and they begin to see your rise in health and happiness that you will get as much supoort as I now get from my family. They are PROUD of my accompishments! It jsut took them some time. Hang in there. We on the OH board will be there for ya!!!
hang in there Craig,
With Jesus on your side how can you go wrong? We have all been there that are post op and we have seen how family members are supportative afterwards.
when I told my children, I explained that I was tired of hurting and carrying all the extra baggage around. I just said, I am doing it for me. I have never regretted it and in fact I feel so much better. Have a great week end. Colette
It sounds like you handled it rather well. So far the only one's in my family that know are my dh and my mother and my oldest child(other 2 are too young). I know how cruel the rest of my family can be so I have choosen not to fuel those little negative wizzards.
You know in your heart and soul and mind what you need to do and no matter what other people say or try to bring you down you can just raise your chin a little bit higher knowing that there is nothing they can say or do to bring you down.
That is my affirmation and I wanted to share it with you in hopes it will help.
Good Luck and God bless
Why do people feel that they have the right to give us their negative opinions? The way I see things....if they are close enough to understand what I'm going through, then they will most likely be supportive and if they aren't close enough to know what I'm going through (whether they are family or not) then they don't have the right to "warn" me off of this surgery.
In your situation Craig, your health is on the line, this surgery can have a postive affect and prolong your life. I can't imagine that anyone even remotely close to you could know your health problems and not understand why you are doing this.
Great job Craig !!!
Thanks for the words of encouragement, funny thing I just had a conversation this morning with my 36 year old son (baby boy) he's afraid for me to have the surgery because of the risks involved so I told him this he's never around when I can't hardly get out of bed because of the pain or have to sleep with a mask on every night. He doesn't even have a concept of what this is like, thank God for a second chance. I came into this world with two days already set for me that I did not have privy to nor can I change, that is my birthdate (entry into earth) and my date of departure, that's God's business and in between those two dates my time could have been up, but God has a plan for my life and this is my chance to live up to His purpose for me. My husband is very supportive, so I know how you feel, it's time to sour like an eagle, my prayers are with you and everyone on the board.
Hey Craig,
I haven't written on this board much but I just had to say "well done". I haven't got my approval yet, but I'm hoping it will be real soon. My husband is a pastor of a General Baptist Church, and last night he ask for testamonies and I just had to stand and say that I needed each and everyone's prayers. I didn't tell them everything of what I was going to do, I just told them that God has provided me a way to make my health better by losing weight. I didn't tell them everything because I had already spoken to 2 of the ladies at church about having the surgery and one was supportive but the other one started telling me about 4 ladies she knew that had the surgery and she said everyone of them lost weight but eventally gained it back. I asked her if they had the procedure the way Dr. Hornbostal said he does it and she said that's what they had. I didn't go any farther with it because she thinks she knows all about it, she said they're stomachs stretched back out. I don't believe that because I asked Dr. Hornbostal when I had my consultation if stomachs could stretch out after awhile and he said no way that will happen. So, I believe we all have our obstacles to face. I'm am so blessed that my husband and children are behind me 100% and they are the only ones I will be leaning on when I need it, accept for Jesus Christ, and I lean on him for everything! So just hang in there, because you are doing this for you and no one else, and when they see it works they will have to eat their words! God Bless You. Brenda