Questions for Post-Ops
I have a question for any and all Post-Ops. Next week I get to start having meat in my diet.
I was wondering when can I add in things like Mayo, relish, ect??? I am craving a pickle in the worst way. NO, I am not pregant but I like the salty taste and was just wondering. I know right now I can have cream of tomato soup. So the other day I put just a small dab of kept on my egg. Didnt have any problem with it but I just wanted to make sure I wasnt doing something I shouldnt be doing. I know spices are okay to add to foods right?? Thanks for the replys!!
Pickles and relish might not be a good thing because of the acid, the same as OJ. That's something you might want to ask your nutritionist. As for long as it's fat-free, I don't see why it would be a problem, especially considering that you are going to be eating meat (considering that meat is harder to digest than mayo). Again, if you're REALLY worried about overdoing it, check with your surgeon's office.
I used light mayo and relish in my tuna fish and I was fine. Pickles should be okay as long as you chew chew chew them up good. A little fat in the diet will help you not lose your hair. Spices are fine. Just be sure to only add one new food at a time so you know if something makes you dump or does not agree with you. If you add several new things at once you wont know what bothered you. Be sure your meat or fish is very moist and that helps a lot.. Things like chicken breast cooked in mushroom soup, or things cooked in the crock pot. If the food is not moist it is hard toget down.
Better to keep things low key and like suggested.. add one thing in at a time.. very small amounts... and be prepared... sometimes what works or seems to work for several days/weeks/months ... might rear up and bite you in the hiney down the road.
I have had that happen with me and ground beef... still iffy and I'm going to be 2 years out in September... sometimes it is problem..and then other times...
Best of wishes.... and I hear you on the pickle front... I LOVE THEM!...