I GOT A SURGERY DATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dena Called me and told me my surgery is July 24th. Little later than I anticipated but they were so over whelmed with all the past medicare patients returning and they were in line first.. BUT PRASIE GOD I GOT IT......OK some one plnche me please....I even got the called on Mothers Day what a deal, AND Sunday too...She must be working over time................Craig Lee
He's an email from my sister re: the new support group in Kirksville. She told me to pass the info on to you and anyone else here who may be interested.
The support group for Kirksville
is on Thursday May 18th at the Health and Fitness Center on the South
End of town. I am pretty sure it is at 7:30 pm but it could be 7:00 I
will do some research and check it out and get back with you. Dr. Gemma
Ciessmier is going to be leading the group, she is a local FP and has
had the procedure herself.
Good luck with everything!! Your date will be here before you know it!!!!! WOOOHOOOOO!!
Thanks Guys you all are just great....Wayne I did see the post about the seminar in Kirksville..My sister Leta is going to take me ..She is having gastric bypass through Dr. Scott soon ..She hopes around July she got approved so she needs one more test on the 23rd of this month then she will be ready to go...Yeah we thought we would go to these meetings up here and get to know everyone it will be handy for us instead of going clear down to Columbia or Sedalia.....I know Jan and Brenda are getting excited because my appt was a week before theirs so they should be getting a call soon....Benny to as well.....Things are looking up .................Craig Lee
I am doing wonderful. I have only had 1 problem since surgery. And I am going to my PCP on Wed to have him address this problem to see what in the world is going on with me. I was on the scale on Friday and from surgery till Friday (18 days) I have lost 32 lbs.
I have ate mashed potatoes, cottage cheese, sf pudding, yougart, creamed soup and having had any problems keeping it down. Still cant do the full 6oz they say I can but that okay with me. I eat maybe 2x's a day and that is WAY more then enough. Been doing pretty good about not drinking while I eat also. I go back and see Dr. Scott on the 24th of this month. So I am excited to see what I will have lost in a months time. My goal for 3 month follow up is 100lbs. We'll see what happens. I am so excited about your urgery date. I remember a couple of months ago when you was so upset about all that was going on. But I know how you felt tho because I had been there myself. Sometimes we just need to learn that all things happen in the Lords time no our own!!!!
God Bless