The move from hell weigh-in
Wow, it's been a weekend from aitch-eee-double-hockey-sticks! Moving stinks! Moving into a new place where the toilet valve breaks and the toilet floods three rooms of the new place, so they have to rip out the carpet, shovel out (I kid you not!) the padding) set up four industrial fans blowing under the carpet and tell me I can't sleep in my bed for two days while things dry out, REALLY STINKS!! I'm wearing old tennies at work 'cause I can't find my shoe box. A black bra with a white t-shirt.
Worst of all, I couldn't run this morning because I couldn't find my running shoes. I rescued my running clothes from the dresser before they shoved it into a corner where I can't access any of my clothes, but I forgot about the shoes. Have no idea where they are.
Ah well, this too shall pass. One problem is that I have a tendency to give myself the "you deserve a treat" talk: you probably know that one. You've suffered X Y or Z, so you should be able to eat a scone. (Did that yesterday.) You're dealing with X, Y or Z, so you shouldn't have to work out. (Did that, too.) I have to keep reminding myself that a few hardships do not entitle me to relax on the rest!!
Anyway, I found my scale this morning!! That was a triumph. So here goes, not too bad, considering...
Starting weight: 298.4
Last week: 137.5
This week: 139.4
Gain of 2.1 lbs this week
Just added back what I was down last week. I can live with that, as long as I can shake this entitlement attitude. C'mon peeps, help me kick it into gear!!
Worst of all, I couldn't run this morning because I couldn't find my running shoes. I rescued my running clothes from the dresser before they shoved it into a corner where I can't access any of my clothes, but I forgot about the shoes. Have no idea where they are.
Ah well, this too shall pass. One problem is that I have a tendency to give myself the "you deserve a treat" talk: you probably know that one. You've suffered X Y or Z, so you should be able to eat a scone. (Did that yesterday.) You're dealing with X, Y or Z, so you shouldn't have to work out. (Did that, too.) I have to keep reminding myself that a few hardships do not entitle me to relax on the rest!!
Anyway, I found my scale this morning!! That was a triumph. So here goes, not too bad, considering...
Starting weight: 298.4
Last week: 137.5
This week: 139.4
Gain of 2.1 lbs this week
Just added back what I was down last week. I can live with that, as long as I can shake this entitlement attitude. C'mon peeps, help me kick it into gear!!
I have never been more "down" on my self and my handling of my journey. I bicycled 50+ miles this week, but it did not make up for the 6 days of snacking I did when I helped my friend move. So I have regained 25% of my total wls weigh loss. I am up 6 pounds over the past 10 days and it looks like 2x the work to lose it than gain it........
Deb challenged me to stop eating nuts, I am doing that, but it is only the tip of what I need to change. I really have some challenges ahead.
I have never been more "down" on my self and my handling of my journey. I bicycled 50+ miles this week, but it did not make up for the 6 days of snacking I did when I helped my friend move. So I have regained 25% of my total wls weigh loss. I am up 6 pounds over the past 10 days and it looks like 2x the work to lose it than gain it........
Deb challenged me to stop eating nuts, I am doing that, but it is only the tip of what I need to change. I really have some challenges ahead.
It is always easier to put it on than it is to take it off, isn't it, Paul? I wi**** were otherwise...
Hang in there--for inspiration, look at your own avatar--NEVER GIVE UP! You can do it!
We should still plan for that group bike ride. It sounds like you are the one who has been consistently biking, so you should be our fearless leader!! Any ideas of a good non-intimidating ride that we could do as a group? I have a flat front tire on my bike, but that is fixable.
Anybody else up for a bike ride? Everyone welcome!!
Also, who all is doing the Running from/with the Law run?
Hang in there--for inspiration, look at your own avatar--NEVER GIVE UP! You can do it!
We should still plan for that group bike ride. It sounds like you are the one who has been consistently biking, so you should be our fearless leader!! Any ideas of a good non-intimidating ride that we could do as a group? I have a flat front tire on my bike, but that is fixable.

Anybody else up for a bike ride? Everyone welcome!!
Also, who all is doing the Running from/with the Law run?