scale not moving as much worried
Hi all I'm 6months out from being sleeved lately the scale seems to to moving slow for me Im worried I'm going to stay at this current. Weight I' I need to lose 43 more pounds and I've reached my goal I so hope I do and to be able to maintain my weight I don't ever want to be big again it scares me to think about it I just want to know if its 6months out to start losing slowly or slower does anyone have any advice for me please it would help me out I just want to stop thinking negative I'm trying to stay positive because the good thing is I've lost 75 pounds so far I hope I really do reach my goal weight tho it would make me even happier and to reach goal weight and maintain my goal weight once I reach it thanks all to any thoughts have.a.great night

Feel free to join the Monday morning weigh-in thread. You don't have to post your actual weight if that makes you uncomfortable (or any weight info at all) but for some of us, posting the changes from week to week helps us honestly evaluate what we're doing and how it affects our goals.
Taking a look at your results from the week before and setting small goals for the week ahead can help you pinpoint any bad habits that may be creeping back into your behavior. Trust me, it happens to us all!! Easier to face up to them now and get back on track.
Taking a look at your results from the week before and setting small goals for the week ahead can help you pinpoint any bad habits that may be creeping back into your behavior. Trust me, it happens to us all!! Easier to face up to them now and get back on track.