Pre-Memorial Day Weigh-in--how will you stay on track?
Hi All:
It's been so quiet on the board, I even forgot to post Monday weigh-in. Nobody missed it, so I guess it is not too necessary, but it still helps me so I will bore you with it.
Starting weight: 298.4
Last week: 142
This week: 143.9 GASP!
Gain of 1.9 lbs this week
No, I have not been doing well in terms of maintaining. It's been the exercise, or lack thereof. I have been nowhere near the mileage or exercise time that I was before the half-marathon. I finally feel up to par, the running is back to being comfortable and fun. That's the good news. But I started working a second job, and so I have been working some 12 hour plus days--that is tiring me out, and I can't seem to pry myself out of bed in the morning for my run.
Paul, mileage for last week was 13.5 miles--pathetic! This week isn't looking much better, but hopefully I can get a run in tonight. Thunderstorm this morning kept me inside.
Don't know when I'm going to fit training for a triathlon in--maybe the second job will cool off a bit after this weekend.
Does everyone have plans for the Memorial Day weekend? Specifically a plan for how to handle the food? BBQs, parties, alcohol? I'm handling it by working all weekend, LOL. Not a fun way to handle it, but I think it will be effective. Also, running the Brian Kraft 5K on Monday morning. I will be slow, but at least I'll be out there.
It's been so quiet on the board, I even forgot to post Monday weigh-in. Nobody missed it, so I guess it is not too necessary, but it still helps me so I will bore you with it.

Starting weight: 298.4
Last week: 142
This week: 143.9 GASP!
Gain of 1.9 lbs this week
No, I have not been doing well in terms of maintaining. It's been the exercise, or lack thereof. I have been nowhere near the mileage or exercise time that I was before the half-marathon. I finally feel up to par, the running is back to being comfortable and fun. That's the good news. But I started working a second job, and so I have been working some 12 hour plus days--that is tiring me out, and I can't seem to pry myself out of bed in the morning for my run.
Paul, mileage for last week was 13.5 miles--pathetic! This week isn't looking much better, but hopefully I can get a run in tonight. Thunderstorm this morning kept me inside.
Don't know when I'm going to fit training for a triathlon in--maybe the second job will cool off a bit after this weekend.
Does everyone have plans for the Memorial Day weekend? Specifically a plan for how to handle the food? BBQs, parties, alcohol? I'm handling it by working all weekend, LOL. Not a fun way to handle it, but I think it will be effective. Also, running the Brian Kraft 5K on Monday morning. I will be slow, but at least I'll be out there.
Hi Guys - well I am 9 days out from surgery and planning a very low key weekend. Taking walks, sipping on H2O and eating my 1/4 cup of soup or cottage cheese! HAHAHAHA exciting stuff huh! I am feeling really good just learning about my new stomach. I get to try pureed foods this weekend but I am in not much of a hurry. Enjoy your weekend!