The Post-Thanksgiving regrets weigh-in
Hopefully none of you have any regrets over what you ate this weekend. Despite the fact that the scale went up a bit, I don't have any. I had a great time with family, enjoyed myself, tried a bit of a lot of foods and didn't obsess over it. Back on track this week.
My downfall was my exercising--I had vowed to use exercise to make the difference, but I have a head cold that sapped my motivation.
So I ran the Turkey Trot 5K on Thursday, but was a lump on the couch Friday and Saturday. (Okay, I was shopping on Friday, so at least I walked, and I worked 8 hours on Saturday, so I was on my feet, but still...) Finally got out to run yesterday, but it took a lot of effort. I was glad I did once I got my butt moving.
Starting weight: 298.4 lbs
Last week: 137.9 lbs
This week: 139.8 lbs
Gain of 1.9 lbs
This is another week--make it a good one!
My downfall was my exercising--I had vowed to use exercise to make the difference, but I have a head cold that sapped my motivation.

Starting weight: 298.4 lbs
Last week: 137.9 lbs
This week: 139.8 lbs
Gain of 1.9 lbs
This is another week--make it a good one!