Surgery Date

There, there are some challenges to get you thinking and being a mindful eater, You will find out how important that is real soon.
Enjoy the new you. Oh andfind a support group to do some mutual encouragement. There are hospital ones (and you don't have to have been a patient there to participate.) OR you can join a Saturday WLS coffee group either on the north or south side of the metro if you are close.
Paul gave you great advice, start with your post-op habits NOW. That will make the transition a lot easier once you're on 'the other side'.
Stop drinking carbonated beverages.
Chew your food to applesauce consistency (VERY important post op - getting stuck SUCKS! )
No drinking with meals, or for 30 minutes before or after.
By this time, you've got the list - follow it now. Most people have some kind of 'last supper' deal, and that's fine (unless your surgeon insists that you lose a certain amount of weight pre-op). Just pretend you've already had the surgery, there will be enough to deal with after without having to learn all these new habits on top of it!
I would change one suggestion Paul made, he said join a hospital-based support group OR a coffee support group. I say, DO BOTH!!! You'll get something different out of each
Good luck, and CONGRATS!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful