Never Relax our Vigilance
Does anybody else feel this way?
I think I am becoming an obsessive exerciser, not because I enjoy it so much, but because I have this secret fear: I am afraid that if I take even one little break from my exercise routine, I will go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning the same fat person I was before I began this journey. Failure to follow my strict exercise regimen will cause immediate overnight 150 lb weight gain!
Okay, I know that's ridiculous, but it's always there. Everyone I talk to seems amazed at my progress, and tells me everyone they know who ever did WLS regained most or all of their weight. I don't want to be that person--I like the new me! But is there ever a point where I can relax a teeny amount and believe that this is the new "normal"?
I think I am becoming an obsessive exerciser, not because I enjoy it so much, but because I have this secret fear: I am afraid that if I take even one little break from my exercise routine, I will go to sleep one night and wake up the next morning the same fat person I was before I began this journey. Failure to follow my strict exercise regimen will cause immediate overnight 150 lb weight gain!
Okay, I know that's ridiculous, but it's always there. Everyone I talk to seems amazed at my progress, and tells me everyone they know who ever did WLS regained most or all of their weight. I don't want to be that person--I like the new me! But is there ever a point where I can relax a teeny amount and believe that this is the new "normal"?
You know I have the same fear of regain. So far so good. I think if we keep doing what is working for us and adjust as needed, we should be ok. I also think we need to keep on the right path and in the right mindset too. We can relax some, but don't go backwards. I hope that makes sense. You are doing great and keep up the good work. Carol
Hi Renee! YES! I totally get it! I too am very strict about my workouts. I do fear regain too. I've worked so hard to distance myself from that "I'm stuck" time of poor health and poor decisions.
I am having plastic surgery on Monday TT, BL and BA and I won't be able to work out for weeks and it is kind of giving me a facial tick!
I also have found that if I don't workout my arthritic hips hurt way more than when they do when my muscle is tight. So I'm feeling the stress worrying about it all.
You have done such a beautiful job! I met you just before you had the surgery and girl look at you now. We just have to keep our eye on the ball and never forget what a gift we've been given.
The exercise is a good part of what is making us healthy. Remember to take time to rest and enjoy is all.
I am having plastic surgery on Monday TT, BL and BA and I won't be able to work out for weeks and it is kind of giving me a facial tick!

You have done such a beautiful job! I met you just before you had the surgery and girl look at you now. We just have to keep our eye on the ball and never forget what a gift we've been given.
The exercise is a good part of what is making us healthy. Remember to take time to rest and enjoy is all.
Tess: Good luck with your plastic surgery!! That is very exciting. Please keep us posted on how it goes.
Will you be able to at least walk after surgery? That should help your hips anyway.
You have set yourself up with a great base of fitness and good habits, so you will do fine. But it is scary to think of being without workouts now, isn't it?
Will you be able to at least walk after surgery? That should help your hips anyway.
You have set yourself up with a great base of fitness and good habits, so you will do fine. But it is scary to think of being without workouts now, isn't it?
I know i'm only a little over three months out but I have the same fears. I have been pretty much at the same weight for 2 weeks now and I get thoughts about this is the end and i'm not going to lose anymore and start to regain it back.
I just wanted to say that you are an inspiration and because of you I am going to start the Couch to 5K this week. :)
I just wanted to say that you are an inspiration and because of you I am going to start the Couch to 5K this week. :)