Completely Lethargic!
At +8 months after surgery I am dealing with the side effects of low blood pressue and low blood sugars, which unfortunately leave me feeling nauseated, dizzy, and not to mention lethargic! YUCK! The low blood pressure is getting better with med's, but the easy solution (as per the doctors) for the blood sugars is to add a bit of good carb's and/or eat a piece of candy. That seems like such an off the wall fix for a person who's had barriatric surgery!
I've set new goals to help with a positive attitude and since my weight loss has seemed to peak, I've been successful at maintaining.
Any other suggestions on the low blood pressure and low blood sugar levels?
Thanks - Lisa!
I've set new goals to help with a positive attitude and since my weight loss has seemed to peak, I've been successful at maintaining.
Any other suggestions on the low blood pressure and low blood sugar levels?
Thanks - Lisa!
I think time is your ultimate cure.
I went through a lot of adjustments along the way and I think that there is a process of readjustment for the body. I was on a bunch of diabetes medications and had to slowly wean myself from them. I had a hard time balancing when walking due to weight shift in my body. i also have cut my blood pressure meds by over half. I used to be really dizzy whenever I stood up.
Now I am feeling pretty good, but still have some issues that make me wonder what is going on.
I went through a lot of adjustments along the way and I think that there is a process of readjustment for the body. I was on a bunch of diabetes medications and had to slowly wean myself from them. I had a hard time balancing when walking due to weight shift in my body. i also have cut my blood pressure meds by over half. I used to be really dizzy whenever I stood up.
Now I am feeling pretty good, but still have some issues that make me wonder what is going on.
For the blood pressure, if you're on any meds for HIGH bp, you should obviously talk to your doc about discontinuing them. BE sure you're getting plenty of fluids, too.
As for the blood sugar? Popping a piece of candy will bring it up, sure - but then you'll crash unless you ALSO give yourself some protein along with it. Having been diabetic before my weight loss, I found that mixing up a carb with a protein helped keep things stabilized over time - I would often eat half a toasted English muffin with peanut butter or a cheese stick before bed to keep mine from spiking over night - the protein just helps maintain more level blood sugars.
Good luck to you!!
As for the blood sugar? Popping a piece of candy will bring it up, sure - but then you'll crash unless you ALSO give yourself some protein along with it. Having been diabetic before my weight loss, I found that mixing up a carb with a protein helped keep things stabilized over time - I would often eat half a toasted English muffin with peanut butter or a cheese stick before bed to keep mine from spiking over night - the protein just helps maintain more level blood sugars.
Good luck to you!!
Imperfect does not = unsuccessful