1 Year Surgiversary Tomorrow
go up to the top of the page you should see "my account" when you get into that screen you will see a few tabs across the screen "avitar" is where you can up load a picture. click on the browse it should take you to YOUR computer go retreive the picture from where ever you have it. (example; my computer/my documents.) that should do it.
go up to the top of the page you should see "my account" when you get into that screen you will see a few tabs across the screen "avitar" is where you can up load a picture. click on the browse it should take you to YOUR computer go retreive the picture from where ever you have it. (example; my computer/my documents.) that should do it.
A friend of mine called me after seeing you on our Facebook photo and said, "I had no idea your sister was that hot!" I told him to "SHUT UP! That's my sister!!" :-)
You are amazing and you have done all the right things. You have shown us all that if you do exactly what they tell you to do and do not stray outside of the lines, this tool works to perfection. For anyone who says that we have taken the easy way out or that you are just losing weight because you had surgery, just do not get it. The toughest part of this whole adventure is the discipline to not put bad things in your mouth. You have done this perfectly and I am so proud of you.
You have done this in spite of having to cook for a family and watch them eat stuff that would send you into dumping if you tried it. In spite of all the temptations, you stuck to your plan and it continues to pay of for you.
Even after you went to Italy and found (much to your chagrin) that carbs would not kill you, you climbed back onto the horse and that was the most commendable part of all because you chose the discipline to eat properly and respect your tool.
Of course you are a ***** for having lost all your weight before me because now Dad knows that it can be done and he looks at the 25 pounds I have left to lose and he knows I am a slacker. ;-) I forgive you though. :-)
Seriously, you are an amazing wife and mother to your hubby and two incredible boys; a wonderful sister to me and you remain, as always, my beloved friend and enduring inspiration.
Seriously though, you do suck for making me look bad standing next to you. :-)
OK, I just laughed so hard I literally SNORTED! It's not a good sound for me at all!
Blushing - thank you, it's been a great journey and I can't think of anyone better to have done this with. You are so close and look so good, you'll do it (or I'll tell Dad on you
) Help keep me on track and stay the course.
Love you!
PS - please tell the guy who said I was hot "thank you, the check is in the mail, I'll take that advertisement any day!"
Blushing - thank you, it's been a great journey and I can't think of anyone better to have done this with. You are so close and look so good, you'll do it (or I'll tell Dad on you

Love you!
PS - please tell the guy who said I was hot "thank you, the check is in the mail, I'll take that advertisement any day!"